Chapter 1

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I wake up to the sound of Louis and Liam screaming downstairs in the kitchen. It sounds like Louis did something stupid again and Liam is giving him a lecture about it. I slowly get out of bed and put on a long sleeve shirt to cover the scars that the boys don't know about and head downstairs. Once I'm downstairs I can finally figure out that Louis of course actually did something stupid and Niall is pouting in the corner. I walk over to them and tell them to calm down and because there's no need for the yelling at 8am in the morning. Louis and Liam both turn to me and we just look at each other for a minute until Niall comes over and stands behind me with tears in his eyes. I than ask Louis what exactly happened and he looks at me with a scared expression like he's scared I'm going to yell at him too. I assure Louis that I'm not going to scream at him like Daddy Direction did. Niall let's put a small chuckle from behind me because she laughs whenever someone calls Liam Daddy Direction. Louis looked at me and than starts explaining what happened.

"I was running around the family room chasing a bug and it landed on the tv so before I could think, I walked the tv with my hand and it broke. Louis said"

I look at Louis and nod. I tell Louis the only thing to do is for him to pay for it since he broke it. Liam agrees with me and so does Niall, but it still doesn't explain why Niall is so upset. I turn around and look at Niall and ask what happened to make him upset.

"I'm upset because Louis killed the bug and I was trying to make it my friend. Niall said"

I look at Niall and give him a sad smile because he has the warmest heart ever and it needs to stay like that for the rest of his life. I than give Niall a hug and then go over to the counter and start making myself a cup of tea because if we are going to be up this morning than I need some tea. As I'm drinking my tea it finally clicked in my head that Zayn slept through all of this and it isn't fair so I sent Louis upstairs to wake him up.  20 minutes later Niall, Liam, and I hear the sound of running coming down the stairs and Zayn yelling at Louis. Louis runs into the living room holding Zayn's bedsheets and Zayn is chasing him in just a pair of boxers. Zayn than catches up to Louis and jumps on top of him and hits him on the side of the head. Niall, Liam, and I are sitting on the couch laughing at Louis as he pretends to cry into the carpet in front of us while Zayn takes his bed sheets and walks back upstairs with them.

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