Chapter 13

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Liam's Pov

I wake up and look over at my clock. It reads 3:30am.we have only been sleeping for an hour so I groan and just lay there because I hear noises coming from the wall I share with Harry. I can't help but think they are doing it again but then I hear crying. I get out of bed and walk out of my room. I put my ear on Harry's door and hear muffled sob's coming from inside. I slowly open the door and see Harry holding Rose.

"She okay" I mouth to him

He nods and waves me out of the room. I go back to my room and put my tv on to try and distract myself from what's happening in Harry's room. Soon enough I end up falling asleep with my tv on.


Harry's Pov

I can't believe Rose would do something like that. I give her soft kisses on her check while rubbing her back. I did notice she felt lighter before when I carried her off the plane but I didn't think about it. Rose calms down and sits up on my lap. She plays with the stings on her pants while I wipe her tears away

"I'm sorry Hazz" she says

"It's okay love we can help each other" I say

She looks at me confused until I take off the bandage on my arm. She looks at my arm with a shocked face than looks up at me.

"Why did you hurt yourself" she asks

"I'll tell you why if you tell me why" I say

She nods so I start explaining.

"Love, my depression got really bad before the trip to Vermont. I couldn't get the thoughts in my head to stop telling me to do things to myself and I ended up giving into them. But when we started dating I stopped but than I relapsed at the night you we're having girl time with your mates. I was so so so sad that I was leaving you behind and than when I walked out of the bathroom Zayn and Liam made me talk to them while Niall and Louis went and hid everything sharp" I told her everything with tears running down my face

"Hazz I'm so sorry"  Rose says  and pecks my lips

I kiss her back until she pulls away.

"Okay it's my turn to explain. I have an eating disorder. I've had one since I was 14 and it got better over the years but recently it's been hard to eat. I've been trying for you but when you woke up 30 minutes ago and saw me throwing up it broke my heart. Im sorry that I did that Hazz. I've really been trying" Rose explains to me

"Love, I can tell you've been trying because whenever you eat with me I see you try and eat a little more each time and I'm really happy that your trying. We can try together and get through it I promise" I tell her

Rose kissed my head and gets off me

"I'm hot. Is it fine if I take my pants off and wear one of your shirts" she asks

"Of course love" I say

I get up and walk over to my dresser and take out a plain white shirt and hand it to her. As shes putting it on I admire her body. Once she puts my shirt on we get into bed and she snuggles into my chest.


I open my eyes and groan at the sunlight. I try and move to check the time but realize that I can't. I remember that Rose is with me so I look over at her and see her sleeping still. I slowly pull my arm out from under her and reach for my phone on my side table. K grab it and realize it's 1pm. I put my phone down and turn back to Rose who's facing away from me. I move her hair so it's tucked behind her ear and I can't help but smile at her. I start kissing her cheek trying to wake her up so she doesn't end up sleeping all day. As I'm kissing her cheek I hear little giggles coming from her so I pull her over onto her back and see her smiling at me.

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