Chapter 44

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I am awaken to a pain in my stomach. I reach for my phone and see that its 3:45 am. I feel the sharp pain again and immediately put my hand on my bump. I try to reach for the light but can't move my body. The pain just gets worse and worse so I decided it would get best to call Anne.

Anne: are you okay love it's early.

Rose: Anne help me I can't move and I'm in so much pain

Anne: I'll be right there don't panic

A few seconds later Anne comes in the room and immediately turns the light on. She rushes over to me and immediately gasps

Anne: I need to call for an ambulance. Don't panic Rose

I can't help but replay the worse that Anne just used. I look down and finally notice the blood between my legs. I can't help but start crying thinking I lost another one of my babies.

Anne: Rose please calm down. Everything is going to be okay

Rose: *while crying* what is I lost her. I can't go through that again. Harry can't go through that again too

Anne: please just try and breath. They will be here any minute

A few minutes later I'm getting rushed into the hospital by a bunch of doctors while still crying. They put me in a room and immediately do an ultrasound. It takes a minute until I finally hear Matilda's heartbeat. Hearing her I immediately calm down and try to breath.

Doctor: it's okay. Your going to be okay. She's perfectly healthy but she just wanted to come into this world sooner than she was supposed to so we have to give you some medicine to stop her from doing so

Rose: oh thank god she's okay. I don't know what I would of done.

The doctor leaves and Anne comes over to me to comfort me.

Anne: I told you that you'd be okay hun

Rose: I was so scared Anne. I couldn't put Harry through that again

Anne: I know. I called him and told him everything that happened and he said he's coming to see you as soon as he can

Rose: I don't want to worry him. He should stay and work on his tour

Anne: we both know he wouldn't do that since he loves you both so much

Anne and I talk for a while until the doctor comes in and gives me medication to keep Matilda put so she won't come out so early. I end up feeling very tired so I decided to close my eyes and get some rest.

7 hours later

I am awaken to someone rubbing my hand in there's and I open my eyes to see Harry. I notice his eyes are blood shot from him probably crying on the way back

Rose: Hazz

Harry: Hey love. How do you feel

Rose: I-I'm okay just t-tired. I'm glad she's alright

Harry kisses my head and places a hand on my stomach. He holds it there for a while until a doctor walks in.

Doctor: You can go home in the morning but we need you to take these pills twice a day until you reach 8 1/2 months. You also need to be on bed rest until she comes so she doesn't make an early appearance anytime soon

Harry: okay thank you. I'll watch over them

The doctor nods and walks out. Anne goes and signs the release forms for me so Harry and I can talk.

Rose: Harry you have a tour to finish. You can't stay here

Harry: I'm not going anywhere. You both need me and I need to make sure my girls are going to be okay up until we come back home when she's born

Rose: your so sweet Hazz. I'm glad I met you

Harry: I'm glad I met you too love

Harry and I get back home to the boys and he helps me sit down on the couch.

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