Chapter 12

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Rose pov

Harry told me to come over because he wanted to ask me something so here I am waiting on his doorstep for someone to open the door.

"Hey Rose" he says when he opened the door

"Hey Hazz" I say and smile at him

He leads me into the living room and I notice it's unusually quiet.

"Where's everyone else" I ask

"Oh they went into town because Niall was complaining we had nothing to eat" he say's laughing

I let out a chuckle because that sounds exactly like Niall. We sit down on the loveseat facing each other.

"I wanted to ask you something" he says while taking my hands in his

"What's up Hazz. You seem a little jumpy" I say

"Well I'm just going to spit it out or I'll never be able to ask. When the boys and I leave in 3 days do you want to come back to our place in the UK and stay with us" he says

I was a little shocked at first but I do have a passport and I really don't want to be without Harry for so long.

"Yes I'll come with you" I say

He smiles at me and then leans in and presses his lips against mine. We slowly lean back so he is on top of me and in between my legs. Harry slowly slides his hand up under my shirt and try's to unhook my bra but suddenly we hear a noise. We turn our heads to see the boys looking at us and Louis with a look on his face.

"DONT MAKE A BABY ON MY COUCH" louis yells at us while pouting

Louis walks over to us and pulls Harry off of me making him land on the floor and than he picks me up putting me over his shoulder. He runs away from the living room making me and the boys laugh including Harry.


Louis walks back I got the living room and puts me down next to everyone.

"Lou why do you keep picking me up" I laugh

"Because your my sister and Harry always has you to himself" Lou says while he crosses his arms and pouts

"Well you all can share me since I'll be coming home with you all" I say

Louis eyes light up and he wraps me in his arms and doesn't let go.

"Alright Lou let Rose go" Hazz says

"Haha I don't mind" I say


Harry reached and grabs Lou and pulls him off of me. I can't help but laugh because then Harry picked me up and brought me upstairs to his bedroom away from Lou because he was jealous


Harry's Pov

We are just waiting for Rose so we can leave for the airport. While I'm bringing my bags downstairs I hear a knock on the door. I go over to the door and open it to see Rose there with 2 suitcases. Liam takes them to the car for her and then we all get it. It takes about half an hour to get to the airport. When we arrive there are hundreds of fans around the airport so the security escorts us in. On the way in I keep hearing what people are saying

"Who's that girl"

"Rose look over here"

"Harry are you guys dating"

The whole time I keep hearing things about Rose. I didn't hear anything bad because I've learned to block that out.  I take Rose's hand because it looks like she's overwhelmed and I bring her over to the boys and sit down. I pull her onto my lap until we board our private jet.


It's been hours and we are finally landing in London. Rose is asleep with her head on my lap and her legs over Niall. I lean my head down and whisper and in her ear waking her up. Rose stretches and accidentally kicks Niall in the leg.

"Ow Rose that hurt" Niall said

"Sorry Ni, I didn't mean to" she says in a sleepy voice

Rose gets up and wraps her legs around my waist and puts her head in my crook of my neck. I just rub her back and tell her we have to get off

"I'm tired can you just carry me Hazz" Says Rose

"Yea love I can" I say

I carry her off the plain and we go and get our luggage. The boys bring mine and Rose's since she's sleeping in my arms. We walk out of the airport and are relieved that there aren't fans since it's 2am. We get in the car and Rose lays across me and Zayn this time.


I tuck Rose into my bed and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and then strip down to my boxers. I than climb into bed behind Rose and spoon her. I wrap my arm around her waist and close my eyes

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