Chapter 31

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We are all up and on our way to the venue in Wisconsin for the boys to play their next show. We get to the venue and of course Harry makes me eat because of the baby. He wants the baby to be strong and healthy but I feel like I'm eating to much so I'll just talk to Lou about it. The boys go on stage and I hang out in the dressing room again with Lou and Lux.

"How are you feeling" Lou asks

"I feel good right now actually. But I threw up so much this morning. It lasted for like 20 minutes" I say

"Omg that's a long time" lou says

"Yeah I know. I'm just waiting a little bit before I eat again because I feel like I'll just throw it up" I say

"Yeah that's smart" lou says

"Hey Lux what are you drawing" I say

"I draw balloons" Lux says

"They are really good" I say

"Thxs" she says

Lou and I laugh a little because Lux is so confident that it's adorable. Lux comes over and hands me the drawing.

"Is this for me" I say

Lux nods her head and I give her the biggest hug ever.


Harry is cooking food for everyone now that the AC is fixed because it was to hot to cook before. I'm sitting at the counter and take the drawing that Lux gave me and hand it to him

"Lix made this for us" Harry asks

"Yes it's adorable" I say

Harry puts it on the fridge and goes back to cooking.

"I'm going to go lay down in the bunk since the smell of the food is making me nauseous" I say

"Okay love. Here take your water" Harry says and hands it to me

I miss him on the cheek and go lay down. 15 minutes later Harry calls me to come eat. I get up and go over to the boys but when the smell hits my nose I immediately become nauseous and head to the bathroom and throw up. Harry of course comes and tries to comfort me. I wash my face and mouth and just sand there taking deep breaths for a second.

"Why'd you throw up love" Harry says

"The smell of the food made me nauseous" I say

"I'll go open the windows to try and get some air in so you can try and tolerate the smell" Harry says and leaves

I stand there and just think that harry is the sweetest guy ever. He always tries to put me first before himself and I love that about him. He's being really protective over the baby and I but I was expecting that after what happened last time.

I walk back out to the table where the boys are sitting and I can finally handle the smell so I stay there with them.

"You okay sis" Louis asks

"Yeah I feel better now but I can't eat right now" I say

"Love you have to eat something for the baby" I say

"I know but I don't want anything. My body's so tired and I want to sleep" I say

Harry nods and kisses me on the head. I go to the bunk I share with Harry because nobody sleeps on the back room since there aren't bed sheets. I lay down and immediately close my eyes falling asleep.


I wake up around 3pm the next day and immediately get up to go eat something. I walk out and Harry smiles at me but he's on the phone. He hands me a plate of chocolate chip waffles and I immediately start eating them at the counter. Harry hangs up the phone and turns and kisses my forehead.

"Who was that" I say

"That was my mother. She wants to meet you" he says

I smile at Harry and take a bite of my food.

"I want to meet her too but when we get back to London after the tour we need to go to the doctors to check up on our baby" I say

"Okay love. Make the appointment and then I'll make plans with my mom for us to see her" Harry says

I smile and finish my food. I go into the back bedroom and get on the phone with with gynecologist.

Hello this is the gynecologist office how may I help you today

Hello, I would like to make an appointment to check up on my baby since I haven't gone at all yet

Oh yes! When would be the best time for you

About  a month from now

Okay yes we will see you then at 2:30

I hang up and walk back into the room to see the boys playing video games.

"Did you make the appointment" Harry asks

"Yup a month from now at 2:30" I say

"Okay sounds good love" Harry says

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