Chapter 62

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I just picked Rose up from the hospital and we are on our way home. We walk through the front doors of the house and see Zayn and Liam sitting on the couch together.

"Hi boys" Rose says

"Omg your back" Zayn says

"Welcome home Rose" Liam says and gives her a hug

"Where is my baby" rose says

Suddenly Louis comes in the room holding Matilda.

"Omg my baby girl is so big" Rose says and takes her from Louis

"You want to see something adorable" I say

Rose nods so I take Matilda from her and place her on the floor. I take some steps back from her and start calling her towards me. Matilda starts crawling towards me and Rose's eyes light up.

"Omg she's already crawling" Rose says

"Yes she is" I say and pick her up off the floor. I hand her over to Rose so she can spend some time with her.

I look at my perfect family and can't wait to watch my daughter grow up in this place with her family.

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