Chapter 36

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"Looks like you have a very healthy baby and would you like to know the gender" the doctor says

I look at Harry and he nods at me

"Yes we would like to know" I say

"Okay.. You are having a healthy little... girl" the doctor says

I turn and face Harry with the widest smile on my face. Harry wipes tears out of his eyes and smiles at me.

"I'm so happy. I get to have a little princess" Harry says


We walk through the front door of the house and the boys immediately come up to us. Especially Louis though. Louis hugs me and won't let go. After Harry pulling him off of me he finally gives up.

"So what's the gender of the baby" Liam asks with a smile

"Please tell me I was to spoil them and buy them everything" Louis says

"Lou your not buying a lot of stuff. You'll also have Zayn and Perrie's baby to buy stuff for" Harry says

"Harry why did you remind him" Zayn groans

"Please just tell us" Niall says

I look at Harry and give him a wink letting him know that I have an idea. I look back at the boys and smile

"We aren't telling you" I say

Louis's face drops open in shock and stares at us.


"Louis it's their decision if they want to tell right now or not. Maybe they want it to be a surprise" Niall says

"NO THEY CANT. IVE BEEN WAITING" Louis yells and starts pacing

"Louis we will tell you but not right now. We need to take this information in and we would like to tell our parents first" Harry says

"See Lou they just want to tell their parents first and then they will tell us maybe" Liam says

"Fine but it better be soon since your piping out this baby in 4 months" Louis says

I laugh at the fact that Louis said I'd pop the baby out. Harry and I go upstairs into our room and he sits on the bed. I walk over to the dresser and take out a tank top and sweats and put them on.

"Come here I want to touch the baby" Harry says with his grabby hands

I giggle and walk over to the edge of the bed. Harry puts his hands on both sides of my bump and kisses it. He runs it for a little until we both lay down and go to sleep.


I wake up around 2:30 am and have to pee really badly. I go to the bathroom and then lay back in bed but I can't sleep. I then suddenly feel the baby start kicking for the first time

"Harry wake up" I say and shake him

"Wha-what's wrong" he says and immediately wakes up

"Give me your hand" I say

Harry gives me his hand confused And I place it on my stomach. His eyes go wide and he moves closer to me.

"You feel that" I say with a smirk

Harry takes his hand off my stomach and reaches for the light. He turns it on and takes his phone out and records baby girl kicking for the first time. He than tweets it saying (Someone wanted to say hello at 3:00). Harry then puts his phone down and puts his hand back on my stomach. He quickly takes his hand away

"Ow. She's got a strong kick" he says

"I know. It feels worse for me. Feels like she'll break through any minute" I say

After about 15 minutes baby girl stops kicking so Harry shuts the light off and we go back to bed.


I'm sitting on the couch talking to Zayn about how Perrie is feeling lately when baby girl starts kicking again.

"Hey Z give me your hand" I say

Zayn gives me his hand and I place it to where she's kicking.

"Omg is this what it will feel like with my baby" Zayn says

"Yup it will" I say

All the boy's suddenly come over and start taking turns with feeling the baby kick. After a few minutes she stops and the boys go back to what they were doing before.

"So have you picked out any names yet" Zayn said

"Not yet but she's definitely getting Harry's last name I said"

"She" Zayn says with a smirk

"Omg Zayn don't tell anyone" I say

"Don't tell anyone what" Harry says walking into the room with Louis

"I accidentally told Zayn the gender" I said


"Why is Louis mad now" Liam says


"And I'm not saying anything" Zayn says

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