Chapter 30

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I wake up the next morning but I dotn really feel nauseous to the point that I'm going to throw up so I go and sit down at the table with the boys and eat the pancakes that Harry made.

"You okay love" Harry asks

"Yes I feel fine. I don't actually think I'm going to get sick" I say

"That's good. I hate hearing you throw up" Louis says

"Yea your like a sister to us and it makes me feel bad" Niall says

"Trust me it's horrible being sick then hearing it but I feel fine for now" I say

After we finish eating we get dressed because the boys have an interview at the local radio station. When we were about to leave the nausea finally hit me and I ran to the bathroom. Harry holds my hair and rubs my back for me.

"We are going to go. We will meet you there" Zayn says

"Okay" Harry says

5 minutes later and I stop throwing up.

"Love you should stay on the bus and sleep while I'm gone instead of coming. I nod and Harry tucks me into his bunk and leaves my water bottle with me. He kisses me goodbye and leaves.

Harry's POV

I walk into the radio station to see that they already started so I sneak in and take a seat next to Niall and Liam.

"Everybody welcome Harry Styles in since he just snuck into the room"
I interviewer laughs

"Hey everyone" I say

"Harry I've been talking to the boys about their recent tweets about becoming uncles and I did a little more research and saw that you actually tweeted a picture with pregnancy tests on its. Would you care to explain " the interviewer says

"Yea I would love to explain. The pictures of the girl and I at the beach are of my girlfriend Rose and I. We have been dating for about a year now and we recently found out we are expecting a baby in about 8 months" I say

"Wow it seems like you've been busy lately but why were you late today" the interviewer asks

" I was taking care of Rose because of her morning sickness. She's sleeping right now to get her energy back" I say

"Well she seem like a lucky girl that your willing to be late to places to take care of her" the interviewer says

The rest of the interview was boring and he basically just wanted to know about Rose but the whole time I just wanted to get back and see her. 15 minutes later the boys and I get in the car and head to the bus. We make it back to the bus and go in. Rose is laying on the couch in shorts and my t-shirt by and open window.

"It's hot in here" Niall says

"Yea why is the AC not working" I say

"I'll call Paul" Liam says

"Hey love are you okay" I say and hand her an ice pack to cool her off

"I'm okay but I threw up again" Rose says

"Aw I'm sorry I couldn't be here love" I say and slide my hand up with back of the shirt and rub her back.

Rose stays on her side and closes her eyes while I'm rubbing her back. She leans her head onto my chest and falls asleep. I end up falling asleep too.

Zayn's POV

Rose and Harry fell asleep so louis decided to take a picture of them and tweet it but it's so hot in here that everyone is uncomfortable. Rose is sleeping with an ice pack on her head to try and keep her body cool. Liam called Paul and told him and he said they will get it fixed. For now we are just stuck in the heat so we all took out shirts of because we were sweating.

"What do you guys want to eat for dinner" Liam asks

"Can we get McDonald's" Niall asks

"Yea can we" Louis ask's also

Liam leaves and goes to pick it up.


Rose POV

I wake up with Harry holding me and playing with my hair. I pick myself off of him and stretch when I stand up.

"Where are you going" Harry says

"To take a shower. It always helps me feel better when I don't feel good so I hope it helps with the nausea" I say

Harry nods so I go and take a shower. I walk back out in short and a tank top that shows my curves. I notice Harry staring at my body and i giggle a little.

"Harry stop staring at Rose" Liam says

"But she's hot" Harry says

I start laughing. I walk over to Harry and kiss him. Liam than hands me some food and I eat it. While eating Harry steals some fries from me and I become sad

"Harry don't take my food" I say with a frown

"Aw love I'm sorry don't cry" he says and wipes a tear that fell out of my eye

"I'm sorry I can't stop. The hormones are already bothering me" I say and more tears fall out of my eyes

"Love it's okay. We know you can't control it" Harry says and wraps me in his arms

I stop crying 5 minutes later and the boys and I decided we should watch a movie.

"I'm picking the movie"Louis says

Louis puts in titanic since he hasn't watched it. (Get it? Harrys old tweet and then the tour bus photo) i couldn't stop crying because of the hormones so Harry picked me up and brought me to the back when the ship started to sink because a lot of people were dying and I got really sad. Harry sits down with me in the bunk and calms me down. After 10 minutes I calm down and we both end up falling asleep again for the rest of the night.

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