Chapter 19

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We are on the tour bus in NYC going to our first venue in our United States tour. Rose and I are cuddling on the couch while on the way while the boys are playing video games and hanging out. All of a sudden Rose gets off of me and rushes to the bathroom. I get up and of course go after her because as soon as I get to the door she's throwing up. I go over to her and pull her hair back with my hands. I rub her back to try and help her. She throws up a little more than usual making me a little concerned but when she's done I let go of her hair and she washes and brushes her teeth.

"You okay love. You threw up a little more than usual" I say while we sit back on the couch

"I think it's because I'm a little motion sick" Rose says

"I'm sorry love" I say and wrap my arm around her waist

She kisses my cheek and it makes me smile. We arrive at the venues d there are a lot of fans waiting for us when we pull up. I look from the window to Rose and see her holding her stomach and looking nervous.

"Your okay love, don't worry I'm here" I whisper in her ear

She nods at me and we walk out of the bus with the boys and I surrounding Rose to protect her and get in. We get in the building and I wrap my arm around Rose's waist and lead her over to the dressing room where Lou is waiting for us.

"MY BOYS" Lou yells when we all walk in

"Hi Lou" we all say

"Harry who is this pretty girl" Lou says

"This is Rose my baby mamma" I say

"OMG you guys are having a baby" Lou yells and hugs both of us

"Yes we are having a baby" I say

"If you don't mind me asking how far along are you" Lou asks

"I'm 2 1/2 months" Rose says

"Aww so I'll see your numb grow. I'm so excited for you both" Lou says


Rose POV

While I'm using the bathroom the boys are on stage rehearsing and preparing for the show. I walk out of the bathroom and go over to the curtain and watch the boys when Harry notices me and calls me over. I walk over to him and the boys on stage and immediately get overwhelmed because the area is so big. There aren't people in it but it's still overwhelming. I take Harry's hand and put my other one on my stomach.

"It's okay love. You don't have to be out here with us when the place is filled" he says

The boys agreed with Harry because they don't want to stress me out.


Harry and I are sitting on the couch in the dressing room until he had to leave.

"Hazz cmon we have to go onstage now" Louis says

"Bye love, I'll be back in a little" Harry says and kisses me

I kiss him back and he walks me over to the curtain and than walks on stage. Lou walks over to me and we talk.

"How did you and Harry meet" she asks me

"We met when they were on vacation in Vermont and I lived next door. I went over to bring them a basket for welcoming them and we just started hanging out" I explain

"That's sweet. Love at first sight I guess" Lou says

I nod and smile while watching Harry bounce around on stage. 40 minutes into the show Liam pours water on Harry's head and Louis went over and poured some on Liam. I decided to go sit down in the dressing room with Lou because my feet were starting to hurt. Lou and I talk for a while until we hear the boys saying goodnight to night 1 of NYC show. They are performing here for 2 more nights and then our next stop is New Jersey. The boys come back into the dressing room and Harry instantly comes over to me and picks me up. He spins me and kisses me.

"Hazz please put me down I don't feel good" I say

"Harry you can't spin a pregnant woman" Lou says

"Okay then where's Lux I want to spin her" he says

"She should be waking up from her nap any minute" she said

"Who's lux" I ask

"She's Lou's daughter" Harry says

All of a sudden a 3 year old girl runs in the room and stops in her tracks when she sees Harry

"Uncle Harry" she says and runs over to him

Harry picks her up and spins her around making her laugh. Harry stops spinning her and bring her over to me on the couch. He sits down and puts her in his lap.

"This is Rose" Harry says

"Hi Rose" Lux says

"Hi Lux, your so pretty" I say

"Thx you" Lux says

"You want to know a secret" Harry says to Lux

"Wat" Lux says

"You see in there. There's a baby in there" Harry says and points to my stomach

Lux leans over and puts her tiny hand on my stomach

"This is giving me baby fever. I have to call Cam" Louis says and gets up off the chair he was sitting on

"No Louis we don't need 2 babies running around" Liam says

"You have to admit that is really cute" Zayn says

Niall is just being Niall and is being awkward and just looking back and forth. Lux climbs off Harry and onto my lap and starts playing with my hair.

"Baby out" lux says  and touches my stomach

"Not yet. 6 1/3 months the baby will be out" I say

"Okay" lux says


We are back on the tour bus and getting stuff we need for the hotel for the next 2 nights. Harry and I get escorted to the hotel but someone from the crowd threw something at me and it hit my stomach causing me to wince in pain. I immediately grab my stomach while Harry wraps his arms around me and yells at the crowd. We get inside the hotel and Harry picks me up and carries me up to our room. When we get to the room Harry is still holding me in his arms while I cry. He sits down on the couch and I'm on his lap with my head in his shoulder.

"Shhhh love" Harry says while rubbing my back

I finally calm down and sit up on his lap. He wipes my tears and I place my hands on my stomach.

"Did you get hit hard love" Harry asks

"Not really. I think it's just the hormones making me cry so much" I say

"It's okay love don't worry. I'm here, the boys are here for you too" he says

I peck his lips and get off of him. I go over to his suitcase and and take out a pair of his sweats and a t-shirt for me to wear.

"You look good in my clothes" Harry says while taking off his pants and t-shirt

I blush and we climb into bed and I snuggle into him.


I wake up and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and stand looking myself in the mirror. Suddenly I feel something going down my leg and I look down. My face drops when I see blood running down my leg.

"HARRY" I yell and start crying

"What's wrong love" Harry says while putting on pants and coming over to me

"T-the b-baby" I say and turn to face him

Harry looks at me and sees the blood covered sweatpants and his eyes go wide.

"Don't worry love, let's do to the hospital" Harry says while grabbing other clothes for me


"Hello, I'm Doctor Red and I'm afraid I have some terrible news for you. I'm afraid you had a miscarriage" She says and than walks out to leave us alone to process

I immediately starts crying and Harry wraps me in his arms. Harry kissed my forehead while he silently cries in my arms.

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