Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

We get to the venue in Texas and it's 100 degrees outside. We rush inside and thank god there aren't fans waiting outside because someone would of definitely ended up passing out on the pavement. We do our soundcheck and then we eat some food. We have a buffet because of Niall. Niall can never decide what he wants to eat but lately he's been craving Nandos and he's upset it's not in the US.

"Guys when are we going back to the UK" Niall says

"Why" Liam says

"I want Nando's" Niall complains

"Niall seriously. You can wait for Nando's" Liam says

I look over at Rose and notice that she's trying not to laugh but I also notice that she barely ate anything.

"Love can you try and eat some more for me" I whisper in her ear

Rose nods and takes some for bites. We than realize that we have to go to the dressing room. Lou comes out of the room yelling at us


We rush in the room and get ready in an hour surprisingly.

Rose POV

The boys just went on stage and I started feeling sick. I went into the dressing room to talk to Lou

"Lou I don't feel well" say and sit down next to Lux

"Is your head warm" she says while putting her hand on my head

"I don't feel like I have a fever. I feel nauseous" I say

"Rose... are... are you pregnant by any chance" Lou asks while pulling Lux onto her lap

"Yea... there could be a chance I guess" I said

"I'll get you a test and you can take it while the boys are doing the concert so they won't know" she says

I watch Lux in the dressing room waiting for Lou to get back. I can't stop thinking about if I'm pregnant or not because I don't want to be pregnant since I barely have an appetite and I recently lost mine and Harry's baby. 40 minutes later Lou gets back and she gives me the test. I set lux on the couch and go into the bathroom. I take it and 3 minutes later it comes out negative so I just throw it away. I walk out of the bathroom and see Lou waiting.

"What did it say" Lou asks

"It's negative. I guess I'm just getting sick" I say

"You should go lay down then" Lou says

"Yea I'll go lay down in the dressing room since there's a couch" I say

I go and lay down but when my head hits the pillow I feel horrible. I grab a bucket and start throwing up in it. Lou hears me and puts Lux down and comes over to hold my hair. While I'm throwing up the boys come in the dressing room. I guess there show was done but I didn't notice because all I could hear was myself vomiting.

"Love what's wrong" Harry says and comes over. He rubs my back

"Omg not again..." Liam says

"Are you... pregnant" Zayn says

I stop throwing up and lean against Harry's chest not answering Zayn.

"Rose.." Harry says

"Yea" I say and look up at him

"Are you.. umm pregnant" Harry asks

"No I already checked" I said


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