Chapter 58

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I walk downstairs with Matilda in my arms so I can make her a bottle. This girl is the cutest person ever. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry eating come cereal.

"Good morning my girls" Harry says

"Morning Dadda" I say for Matilda

Harry walks over and gives Matilda a kiss on her forehead and than gives me a kiss.

"Time to feed both my girls" Harry says

Harry places a bowl of cereal in front of me because it's easier to eat so my stomach can get used to having food in it again. I hand Matilda over to him so she can get fed while I eat.

"You look just like your mum" Harry says to our daughter

"But she has your eyes" I say

"She's perfect" Harry says

Just then we hear running down the stairs and into the tv room. Harry and I turn our heads to see what's going on.


"NEVER" Louis yells

Just then Zayn jumps on top of Louis and Liam runs down the stairs. He grabs Zayn off of Louis and holds him back. Harry walks over to the doorway with Matilda and continues to feed her while trying to figure out what Louis took.

"What's happening" Liam says while holding Zayn back so he doesn't kill Louis

"He took it Li" Zayn says

"What did he take" Liam says

"He took the necklace you gave me" Zayn says

"Louis give it back" Liam says


Louis's yelling causes Matilda to start fussing and start crying. Harry takes the bottle out her mouth and try's to calm her down.

"Now look what uncle Lou did. He made you cry. Didn't he" Harry says

Louis immediately gets sad and feels bad. He walks over to Matilda and takes her from Harry. He immediately starts bouncing her and trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry for scaring you M" Louis says when she calms down

Matilda gives him her big baby smile and Louis immediately melts.

"I have an outfit for her. I'm going to get it" Louis says while handing her back over to Harry so he can finish feeding her.

I finish my cereal when Louis comes back downstairs with a red and black jumper that says "faith in the future" on it.

"Aw that's so cute Lou. I love it" I say and take it from him

I bring Matilda over to the couch and put her in it. I pick her back up and lay her in my arms. She's a little more awake now since she's 1 months olds now but she still loves to sleep. I take a picture of Matilda's new jumper and post her from the neck down and tweet "uncle Lou's new present". The fans immediately start commenting and re-tweeting it. I put my phone down on the table and then bring Matilda up to her crib and place her in it. I sing her to sleep and walk out of the room. As I'm closing the door Zayn walks over to me.

"Hey sis how are you doing" he asks

"I'm doing okay. I've lost weight and it's making me happy to finally almost have my body back" I say

"I'm glad. I don't want to see you hurt anymore" Zayn says

"Yeah I know but I was thinking about talking to Harry about me going back into an inpatient program because I just keep relapsing" I say

Zayn looks at me with shock and sympathy.

"Are you sure you want to do that" Zayn says

"Yes I do" I say

"I'll support anything you decide to do. I'm here for you sis" Zayn says

I give Zayn a hug and go into my room. I take out Harry's laptop since Louis broke mine by spilling juice on it. I don't know why I let Louis touch my things anymore. I start looking up impatient information in hospitals around here since I don't really know the area. As I'm researching information I don't see Harry walk in until he's in front of me.

"You okay love" H says

"Yeah I'm okay, but we need to talk" I say

I close the computer and pat the bed next to me to try and get Harry to sit down.

"What's up love" H says

"You know how my eating disorder just keeps coming back. Well I was looking into programs and I think it would be best if I did some time in inpatient" I say nervously

Harry looks at me processing what I jsut said.

"If that's what you feel like you need to do then you should do it love. How long would it be" H says while rapping his arms around me

"I looked into it and it said I would be gone for 3 weeks and than on a feeding tube for a month to make sure I'm actually getting what I need" I say

"I'm here for you love. I'm glad you want to get better. I will take a lot of pictures of Matilda and fill you in on everything when you get back" he says

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