Chapter 25

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So right now I'm on the beach writing this chapter so I might make this a beach chapter


Harry's POV

The whole plane ride back to England was exhausting. Zayn and Liam passed out on each other. Niall was laying sideways across 2 seats, Louis was watching a show, Rose was sleeping with her head on my shoulder, and I was trying to sleep. It just couldn't get comfortable but we all know that when we get back we are all going to sleep because of the time change. 30 minutes later we finally drive and it's 9am in England. We all get escorted to the car and I'm holding Rose and covering her face because she's exhausted and doesn't what her face to be seen in the photos.


I just woke up from my nap and see Rose sing there. I get out of bed and notice it's 4pm. Dam I slept all day. I head downstairs and go to the living room and see Rose smack Louis over the head.

"Ow what was that for sis" Louis whined

"You make a smart ass joke that's why I smacked you" Rose says

I can't help but laugh at them and then Rose turns to me. She comes over and grabs my hand. She pulls me into the bathroom that's off the living room and locks the door

"You really want to do this with the boys right outside" I say while pulling her closer and smirking

"No Harry. I just want to talk to you"Rose says leaning against the wall and rolling her eyes

"DONT YOU DARE DO WHAT I THINK YOUR DOING IN THERE" Louis shouts and bags on the door

I open the door and stare at Louis

"Louis we would never do anything with you on the other side of the door" I say

I shut the door and lock it again.

"What are you thinking about" i say and turn to Rose

"I want to surprise the boys with a trip to the beach tomorrow and I want your help" She says

"What part do I play in this" I ask

"You have to get their bathing suits and put them in the car and grab the towels too" Rose says

"Okay I can do that. I'll go do it now before we all go to bed" I say

We open the door to the bathroom and step outside. Louis is staring at us so I make a joke.

"We can do more next time love" I say and smirk at Rose

Rose looks at me with wide eyes and her face turns red.


"Lou stop being so dam loud mate" Zayn says

"Guys please don't do anything with us on the other side of the door" Liam asks

"Don't worry we won't" I say

Rose goes to sit with the guys and I head upstairs to grab the boys bathing suits. First I go to Louis's room and find a whole draw full of them. I look threw the to find the stupidest one when I suddenly remember the one I got him as a joke. I quickly room through the draw to find it. It's a bathing suit with my face on it. I quietly laugh to myself than head to Niall's room. Of course I had to pick one out that was bright pick. When I got to Zayn's room he only had black bathing suits so I just grabbed one. I got to Liam's room and found a Toy Story one so I grabbed it and brought them all to my room. 15 minutes after I got there Rose walked in and immediately went over to my dresser and pulled out a few bathing suits.

"You want to help me pick out one of wear" she asks

"Yea I do" I say and smirk at her

Rose walks out of the bathroom in a one piece suit that is low cut and it's white. I notice it's a little see-through.

"What do you think about this one" she's asks standing in front of me

"I love it but It's see-through and I don't want the paps and the boys to see your body like i do" I say

Rose agrees and goes back in the bathroom. She comes back out and she's wearing a 2 piece that's dark red but it has a thong as the bottom.

"I like this one but you can see your whole bottom and I'm not letting paps taking pictures of it" I say

"Fine but I'm wearing this out at some point" Rose says

The last one was perfect. It was dark green and it showed her body off perfectly.

"Thoughts" Rose asked me

"This is the one. I love it but right now I want to take it off of you" I say

With that statement Rose's face turns red and she smiles at me. Suddenly there's a knock on the door so Rose goes back in the bathroom to change and I answer the door.

"What do you want Liam" I say a little annoyed that he interrupted us

"We are going to bed" Liam says

"Alright night mate" I say

I close the door and see Rose laying in my bed so I climb in and start kissing down her neck.

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