Chapter 53

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Harry's POV

"Are you okay love" I ask

"I'm okay. I just want her out. We have been here for a whole day and she's still not wanting to come out" Rose says

"I know love. I'm sorry. I hope she comes soon" I say

Just than the doctor walks in to check up on how far along Rose has gotten since yesterday. Rose puts her feet up on the bed and the doctor takes a look.

"Okay. Your about 5 centimeters along" the doctor says

"Ughh. I just want her out already" Rose says while her hands cover her face

"I know love. We both want to meet her badly. She will come into this world soon" I say

The doctor walks out after throwing her gloves out and shuts the door behind her. Suddenly my phone starts ringing and it's Louis.

"Yes Lou" I say

"Is she going to come soon. I want to meet her" Louis says

"Not yet Lou. Rose is only 5 centimeters dilated" I say

"Ughhh, I can't wait anymore. I've waited almost 9 months to see her" Louis says

"We know Louis. We hope she comes soon" Rose says

Louis hangs up and I put my phone down on the bedside table. I put my hand on Rose's stomach and keep it there.

"Do you want anything love" I say

"I really want some food right now" she says

"I knwo love. I'm sorry but you can't cuz the baby can come soon" I say

"I know. Can you get me something" she says

"Yes I'll be back love" I say and get up

I walk out the door and go up to the desk.

"My girlfriend is hungry but she's in labor waiting for our little girl to come so I was wondering if she was allowed to eat anything" I say

"She's only allowed to eat ice chips until the baby comes" the nurse says

"Oh okay" I say

The nurse goes to grab some. When she gets back she hands them to me. I go back into the hospital room and hand Rose the cup.

"I don't want that. I want real food" Rose says

"I know love but all you can eat is this right now" I say

Rose takes the cup and chews on the ice chips until they are all gone. She hands me the cup and I throw it out.

"You should rest for a while love" I say

Rose nods and closes her eyes. I kiss her head and sit back in the chair until my phone rings. I look at it and see it's Simon. I get up and quietly walk out the room.

"Hello" I say

"Hello Harry, how are you" he says

"I'm good" I say

"I need you and the boys to come to the studio right away to re-record a part of one of your songs" he says

"I can't come in" I say

"And why not" he says

"My girlfriends in labor and I'm at the hospital with her" I say

"How far along is she" he asks

"5 centimeters last time we checked" I say

"That's plenty of time for you to come in" he says

"Are you serious. I'm not coming in and potentially missing the birth of my baby girl" I say and hang up.

I decided to call Liam and tell him what's going on.

"Hey mate" Liam says

"We have a problem" I say

"Is rose okay" Liam says worried

"She's okay. It's Simon. He just called me for all of us to come in to record and I told him no because Rose is in labor" I say

"He didn't care did he" Liam says

"Nope. He wants me to miss the birth of my child to come in" I say

"He's a fucking prick. The boys and I will go in. You just worry about Rose" Liam says

"Thanks Mate" I say

I hang up and go back into the room to sit with Rose.

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