Chapter 10

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I walk out and stop in my tracks when I see the boys looking at me with sad expressions. I don't even know what to do. I just stand there for a moment until I start panicking so I slam the bathroom door shut and lock myself in. I instantly here knocking at the door.

"Hazz unlock this door now" Louis says

"GO AWAY I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU" I yell while tears start pouring down my face

"Come on harry. Just come out and talk to us" Liam says

I don't respond until I hear someone trying to push the door down.


They stop so I slowly go and open the door. Immediately when I open it Zayn takes my hand and pulls me into my room while Liam searches the bathroom. As I sit on my bed I can't help but feel embarrassed because they know what I've done. I've disappointed them again

"I disappointed you mates" I say while crying into Zayn's arms

Zayn rubs my back trying to calm me down while I hear Liam gasp from the bathroom. That moment I knew he found the blade that I hid in the back of the draw under the sink. I move my head so it's resting on Zayn's chest but I can see Liam. Liam picks the blade up and wash's it off and hands it to Niall.

"Niall can you and Louis go around the house and find the rest of the blades and anything sharp and hide them please" Liam says

Niall and Louis don't say anything. They just get up and walk out of my room and close the door behind them. Liam than walks over to me but I wrap my arms tighter around Zayn because I'm scared. Liam comes over and kneels down in front of me and puts his hands on mine. Liam holds my hands while Zayn has his arm around me. At this point I'm sitting against Zayn's chest and Liam is sitting in fount of us.

"Harry please show us" Liam says

"I-I -ca-cant" I stutter

"Why cant you show us Hazza" Liam says

"I-I-I- disappointed you guys" I say

"Hazz you are not disappointing us. We just want to help" Zayn says while rubbing his hand on my shoulder

"Please show us Harry. We aren't mad. We just want to understand why" Liam says while pulling some bandages out of his pocket

I pull my hands away from Liam and slowly reach to my sleeve. I finally pull it up exposing the 6 fresh cuts I made on my left arm. I look at Liam and notice that he doesn't have any expression on his face. I can tell he's trying to stay strong for me.

"The am you for trusting us Hazz. We appreciate it" Liam says while rapping my arm with bandages

While Liam wraps my arm I can't help but feel myself loosing energy.

"Mate can you tell us why you did this. You were doing so well" said Zayn

I look at them and explain how we are leaving next week and going back to the UK. I tell them that I can't leave Rose behind and how it will kill me to leave her here and not have her with me.

"Mate why didn't you just tell us you were so depressed about leaving Rose behind" Zayn says

"I didn't want it to seem like I couldn't be alone" I say quietly

"Hazz how about you invite her to come to the UK with us and then go on tour with us" Liam says

As soon as Liam says that. I get off Zayn and tackle him to the ground. I hug Liam so tightly

"Harry I-I c-can't breath" says Liam

"Sorry Li" I say while getting off of him

"Are you okay now mate" Zayn says

"Yea I feel better but I think I'm just gonna go to bed because I'm exhausted now" I say

"I'm staying here with you tonight though" Liam says

"Okay" I say

It's the next day and I'm sitting on my bed with the door open because the boys want to keep an eye on me. I was just sitting on my bed with my earbuds In listening to music when someone sits on my lap and kisses me. I open my eyes and see Rose so I take my earbuds out and kiss her. We lay down on my bed talking for a while until I start kissing her neck. I than move on top of her putting my weight on her body. I lick her bottom lip asking for entrance for my tongue to enter her mouth and she's accepts it. We are making out under we hear a camera flash from the doorway. I turn my head and see Lou there with his camera. Rose and I both give him a glare and he shuts the door and leaves. We continue what we were doing until we were both fully unclothed under my bedsheets.

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