Chapter 22

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We walked into Niall and Louis's room because everyone was in there. Rose sat down and started talking to Zayn and I started playing video games with Liam, niall and Louis were just watching us try and beat each other.

"Mate your back" Louis says

"What about it" I say

"It's filled with scratches" Louis says

"Oh um forget about it" I said knowing that Rose made those marks 30 minutes ago

"Did you fall over and hit yourself on something again" Louis says

"No he didn't" Rose said with an embarrassed face

"Wait a second.. DID YOU GUYS JSUT FUCK" Louis yells

"Louis chill the fuck down. It's not a big deal. We are allowed to if we want to" I say

"Yea but my room is right next to yours" Louis said looking disgusted

"And did you hear anything" I said

"No but.." Lois said

"Exactly don't complain" I said interrupting Louis

Louis turns and focuses back on the tv so we can continue the game. Rose and Zayn decide to go and get some food for us to eat for dinner.

Zayn POV

Rose and I decided to go get food downstairs for everyone together but i really just wanted to see how she's holding up since I was with her when i found out she was pregnant. It's a tragedy of what happened to her and Harry and I hope they never have to experience that again.

"How are you" I ask

"I'm okay Z but I just feel drained" she said

"I can tell. Have you been sleeping enough the past month" I asked

"Not really. I can't get the words of the doctor voice to leave my head when she told me the news in the hospital that morning" she said

"Did you tell Harry that" I ask her

"No I haven't. I'm afraid that if I tell him that I can't forget it than he will become upset" I said

"Why would he be upset with you telling him how your feeling" I ask

"He gets upset whenever I get upset. And loosing our baby did a big impact on him but especially me. I can't even keep food down in my system long enough to gain weight. Z I've lost weight" I say and show him my stomach

"Rose you need to tell Harry so you can get help. I'm here for you but I want to see you healthy enough to have stuff in the future" I said

"I know Z.....I know" Rose said

We walk into the room where they are serving food and get a bunch for everyone to eat because Niall isn't allowed to order food anymore since he ordered the whole menu last time and we wasted it.


We get back in the room and Niall's face drops.


"What are you talking about this is a lot of food Niall" I say

"This isn't even enough for all of us. I'm going to starve" Niall says

That causes Rose to burst out laughing and I can't help but smile because of the conversation we just had she became sad again.

"Niall this is enough I promise" rose said

"Fine but don't be mad if I eat it all" Niall said

"Lol fine" I say


Rose POV

The whole time we are eating I can't help but think about Zayn's words earlier. I think I'm going to tell Harry when we get back to the room because I can tell he's been worried about me.


Harry and I just got back to our room and are changing for bed. I climb in next to him and put my head on his chest.

"Hazz. Can we talk about something" I say

"Yea love" he says

"I knows you've been worried about me lately since I lost out baby. I haven't told you but I've been making myself throw ups because I feel worthless" I say

"Love, you aren't worthless and I'm happy you told me because I care so much about you and I'm here to help you. You know that" he says and kisses my forehead

"Thank you Hazz" I say

We talk for a while more and than we end up falling. Asleep in each others arms

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