Chapter 26

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I lied.. this and the next chapter are the beach chapters


I wake up the next morning and see Rose is already awake and changing. I get up and walk over to her and unhook her bra making her breasts fall out. She grabs the cups to her bra and turns around.

"Harry wtf" she says and giggles

"I was just helping you" I said with a smirk

Rose drops her bra on the floor making my mouth drop. She than drops her underwear and my mouth opened wider.

"Don't leave your mouth open" she says and pushes up on my chin to close my mouth for me

I reach out to grab her but she moves her body back and grabs her bathing suit. She walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I look down and just stair at my boner. I put my swim trunks on that look like shorts so I boys don't notice anything. I walk into the living room with my hand over my boner because it just won't go away. I can't get the picture out of my head of Rose standing in front of me naked.

"You okay mate" Liam says

"I'm yea" I say walking over to the couch while holding myself.

"Why are you holding your junk mate" Louis asks

"Are you hard" Zayn says with his eyes wide

"Yes I'm hard. It won't go away because Rose decided to tease em and now the image is stuck in my head and it won't go away" I complain

"Go take care of it" Liam says

"I'm going to go pin her against the wall and kiss her" I say getting up

"Don't be loud" Louis yells after me


I collapse next to Rose on the bed and pant trying to get my breath back.

"Harry, you finished inside of me" Rose asks

"Yea I did why" I ask

"I just remembered that I stopped taking my birth control" Rose says

My eyes go wide and I shoot up.

"How long have you stopped for love" I ask

"A week" Rose says

"Love why did you stop" I ask

" it wasn't the right one for me to take anymore and I didn't get the new pills yet" she says

"Love you have to take the after pill" I say

"I know Harry but i really don't want to take it" she says

"That's your choice love but if you get pregnant what will we do" I say

"We were ready then and we could be ready now. I know we agreed to wait and it completely slipped my mind that I haven't taken it. But if you really want me to take the pill than I will. We need to get the boys and go to the beach so on our way we can stop" I say

Harry and I head downstairs and find the boys in the kitchen looking for food.

"Harry can you make us food" Niall asks

"I have a better idea" Rose says while filling her water bottle up

"What is it" Liam asks

"Every get in the car. Harry is driving and I call sitting in the passenger seat" Rose says


"We need to make a stop" I say as I pull intro the drug store parking lot

The boys nod and I put my hood up, a mask on, and some sunglasses too. I go in and get a plan B and a box of condoms. I get in the car and take my "disguise" off and hand the stuff over to Rose. Rose struggles to open the box but she gets it.

"Is that.." Louis starts to say but I cut him off

"Yea it's a box of condoms. I just bought them. Can you put them in my bag" I ask Louis

"I was actually going to ask why Rose is taking a plan B" Louis says while putting the condoms in my bag for me

"Oh.. I stopped taking my birth control so I'm hoping this works" she says while swallowing it

"You stop taking it" Liam says and his mouth drops open

"Yea cuz it wasn't working the way it should've because I was taking that kind for about 3 years now and it just wasn't affective anymore" Rose says

"Oh."Liam says


I put my hand on her leg and rest it there while driving. I slowly keep moving my hand up until my hand in her upper inner thigh right against her shorts. Rose let's out a quiet moan thinking nobody heard it but we were wrong.

"KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF MR STYLES" Louis yells and rips my hand off of Rose's lap

"Okay chill don't distract me. I'm driving" I say

"Than don't try and finger your girlfriend while your in the car with other people" Zayn says

Rose's face turns red in embarrassment but then we pull up to the beach. I park the car and tell the boys we made it. Their faces lit up in excitement and so did Rose's even though she planned this.

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