Chapter 34

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Rose and I have just arrived at my moms house. I take Rose hand in mine and lead her up to the door. I knock on it and my mom immediately opened the door and hugs me tightly. She than pulls aways and looks at Rose with a smile

"Hey hunny, you must be Rose" Anne says giving Rose a hug

"Hey Ms Twist" Rose says

"Call me Anne since your carrying my grand baby" Anne says

"Okay" Rose says

We go and sit down at the kitchen table and talk to my mom while she makes us dinner.

"How was tour" Anne asks

"It was good. Rose told me she was pregnant while we were on tour and I went out of my mind because I was so excited" I said

"I'm sure you were Harry. You've always wanted to be a father and you are very good with kids" Anne said


We ate dinner with my mom and are just waiting for her to come back since she said she has a present for us. Mom comes back in with a box and hands it to Rose. Rose starts opening it and it's a scrap book to put a baby picture in for every month of the baby's life up to a year.

"I love this. It's adorable Anne" Rose says

"I'm glad you like it dear" Anne says

"Thanks mom" I say


Rose POV

I walk into the nursery and place the baby book on the dresser. I than walk out and into the bathroom and look my myself in the mirror. I pull my shirt above my stomach and put my hand on it. My stomach got bigger now that I'm 4 1/2 months along. I just look in the mirror looking at myself. Perrie walks in and smiles at me

"Hey Rose. I see your admiring your stomach" she says

"Yea I can't wait to meet this little one" I say

"Yes me too, but I was wondering if we could talk" she says

"Yea, come in and shut the door" I say

Perrie pulls a pregnancy test out of her pocket and shows it to me.

"Omg, your pregnant" I say

"Yea I am but I'm really scared what Zayn will say" she says

"I know for a fact that he will be happy for you both. Zayn was the first one to know that I was pregnant and he was thrilled. You see how he acts when he wants to be the best uncle" I say

"Yea, I don't know what I was thinking. He'll be thrilled" she says

"If you need to talk about stuff or if you just want to hangout and talk about pregnancy stuff then I'm here for you" I say

"Thank you Rose. I'm going to go tell him now" she says

We both walk out and Perrie goes into Zayn's room where he is watching tv and I go into Harry's room.

"Hey love, what are you up to" Harry says while I lay down next to him

"Nothing much. I was looking at my stomach in the mirror and it got bigger" I say and slide my shirt up to show Harry

"You look adorable pregnant" Harry says and places his hand on my baby bump.

"I have a secret" I say

"And what might it be" Harry asks with a confused look

"You can't tell anyone until Zayn tells anyone though" I say

"I won't" Harry says

"Perrie's pregnant" I say with a smirk on my face

Harry's mouth drops open and he just looks at me with a shocked face.

"Omg 2 baby directioners" Harry says

"Haha yes love. Our little one will always have a friend" I say and give him a kiss

Harry kisses me back and we start making out.

"Harry we can't do anything more" I say

"But why not" Harry pouts

"Because I was to be downstairs when Zayn and Perrie tell everyone" I say

Harry nods and we walk downstairs and sit on the couch. Harry puts his arm around me and on my stomach. An hour later Perrie and Zayn come into the living room holding hands and smiling. Zayn's eyes are bloodshot and it look like he was crying. Perrie's face is red and she keeps looking at Zayn.

"You okay mate. Looks like you've been crying" Liam says

I give Perrie a smirk and Zayn notices

"Rose you already know don't you" Zayn says

"Harry does too but he hasn't said anything" I say

Zayn smile and just breaths for a second.

"I have been crying but it's because we got some amazing news. Perrie just told me about 2 hours ago that we are going to be having a baby" Zayn says

"ANOTHER ONE" Louis yells

"Yes Lou another one" Perrie laughs

"Okay I'm serious. Nobody else is getting pregnant now. 2 babies is enough for us" Liam laughs

"Liam your only saying that because Rose is due on your birthday, but do you want to know when Rose told me she's due" Zayn says

"Yea" Niall says

"I'm due around Louis birthday" Perrie giggle

"OMFG NO WAY. FINALLY I GET TO POTENTIALLY SHARE A BIRTHDAY" Lou gets up and yells and runs around.

Zayn wraps his arm around Perrie's waist pulling her close so Louis doesn't knock her over

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