Chapter 45

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The boys come down and sit around me.

Louis: how's my sis doing

Rose: I'm okay. Just nervous

Zayn: you'll be okay love. Don't worry

Liam: yes we are all going to be here for you and baby girl

Rose: you all are to sweet. I'm glad she's going to have you around to watch over her

The boys and I talk when Harry walks back in the room with some tea and a bowl of cereal for me to eat. He sits down next to me and puts his hand on my bump while I eat. Suddenly Matilda kicks and it makes Harry jump a little causing me to laugh.

Rose: you okay Hazz. She just kicked you

Harry: just haven't felt her in a while love. Im alright

Harry kisses my head when the boys get up and leave to go unpack their bags since the rest of the tour was delayed till Matilda and I are able to go on tour with them because Harry insisted we went with them. After I finish eating Harry helps me get upstairs and into his bed where I have to stay until it's time for her to come into this world. Harry puts a pillow behind my back and than climbs into bed next to us. He places his hand on my stomach and than takes his phone out. He takes a picture and then tweets it saying "I want to stay here forever". I smile at Harry and then kiss him. Kissing Harry felt really good. I missed his sweet tasting lips against mine. They were so soft and fit perfectly on mine. We pulled away before things got heated because we couldn't let anything happen when I'm on bed rest for the babies sake.

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