Chapter 41

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I'm officially 7 months pregnant and the boys just left for tour yesterday. I have been staying with Harry's mom because she didn't want me to be alone since I can't move that well. I decided I wanted a drink so I walked out my room and down the hall into the kitchen

"Rose you don't have to get up. You could of just called me" Anne said

"I know but I needed to move" I say while getting some water

"Okay. Has your back still been bothering you lately" Anne said

"Yea it has. I wish it would go away" I say

"Well I turned the pool heater on last night so the waters warm if you want to sit in the pool to help" Anne said

"Oh yes thank you Anne" I say

Anne and I go to put our bathing suits on and we go and sit on the pool steps together talking. Anne decides to take a picture of me in my bikini to show Harry that I'm relaxing. Minutes later I get a notification and see Harry tweeted the picture saying (Baby Momma with my mom while we are on tour). I show Anne and she giggles.

"This is really helping my back" I say

"I'm glad sweetheart. Have you and Harry talked about names for my granddaughter yet" Anne asked

"No not yet but I really like the name Matilda" I say

"I love that. It's perfect. Matilda Styles" Anne says

"I know. It just sounds really good" I say

Anne and I decided to go back in the house for some lunch. She made me a fruit salad to help the baby grow and get the nutrients she needs to stay healthy.

"My next doctors appointment is next week so I was wondering if you were free to come with me because I get really nervous at these appointments for some reason" I say

"Yes dear I'll come with you. You don't have to be nervous. She's really healthy and you haven't felt like anything of wrong so try not to stress out" Anne says

I nod and then go to my room and lay back on my pregnancy pillow. I end up falling asleep.


Harry's POV

I decided I should call my mom and see how Rose is holding up since I don't want to disturb her.

Anne: Hi Harry

Harry: Hey mum. How's everything going over there

Anne: everything is fine. Rose's back was hurting but sitting in the pool helped her

Harry: that's good. I'm glad she feels better. I made the photo you sent me my phone background because she looks so beautiful pregnant

Anne: aww. Your such a sweet boy

Harry: thank you mum.

Anne: oh and Harry. You should talk to Rose about baby names since she told me she has one and it's beautiful

Harry: okay mum love you bye

Anne: bye love


Rose POV

I was watching tv after dinner when i got a call from Harry

Rose: Hi babe

Harry: hey love. How are you and baby girl holding up

Rose: we are doing good. She's was kicking before

Harry: she's going to be a football player. I'm calling it now

Rose: you can try and play with her

Harry: i will but I heard you had a baby name you liked

Rose: yes. Do you want to hear it

Harry: yes

Rose: Matilda Styles

Harry: I-I love it Rose. It fits so perfectly

Rose: I know I love it

Harry: me too love. I have to go it's 3am here and I need to get up in a few to get ready with the mates

Rose: okay. I love you

Harry: I love you too


It's the next morning and I decided to go into the kitchen to find something to eat. I walked in and see Anne cooking French toast with a side of bacon. She hands me a plate and I immediately start eating it because I was so hungry. I finish 15 minutes later and thank Anne for the food.

"I talked to Harry last night and we decided to name her Matilda Styles" I tell Anne

" YES! I love it" Anne says

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