Chapter 17

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Harry's POV

Rose puts something in front of my fsce brand it takes me a while to see what it is. When I finally see the plus on it I immediately go into shock it takes me a second but I take the test from Rose's hand and put it on my nightstand. I than put my hands on her face and wipe her tears. I smash my lips onto hers and then pull away.

"We're having a baby" I say

"Yes. We are having a baby" Rose says

I smile as big as I can and tears start coming out of my eyes.

"What's wrong Hazz" Rose asks

"I'm just so happy" I say

Rose kisses me and then lays down next to me. I turn my body so I'm facing her. She snuggles into my chest closes her eyes. I tuck her hair behind her ear and kiss her forehead.


Rose POV

I'm suddenly awakened and feel nausea instantly hit me. I get up and run into Harry's bathroom and start throwing up. I feel hands pulling my hair back behind my head and start rubbing my back. As soon as I stop throwing up I wash my mouth in the sink. I turn to face Harry in the doorway and I go over and hug him. I put my head on his chest and he rubs my back some more.

"Let's go get you some food love" Harry says

"Okay" I say and kiss his cheek

Harry puts some pants on and I put one of Harry's shirts on and pj pants and we go downstairs.

Harry's POV

We walk into the kitchen and see that the boys are still asleep. Rose sits at the table while I go and make homemade waffles for everyone.

"Hazz I don't feel good again" Rose says

She runs over to the trash can in the kitchen and starts throwing up again. I go over and grab her hair for her so she doesn't get puke all over it. While im holding her hair and she's throwing up Louis and Liam come downstairs and into the kitchen. I start rubbing Rose's back trying to help her feel better but I feel really useless since I can't do anything besides try and comfort her

"EWWW. WHY ARE YOU THROWING UP IN THE PLACE I EAT" Louis yells while freaking out

"Lou shut up. She's pregnant for god sake. She can't help when she had to throw up" I say

Liam goes over and grabs a napkin and starts making some tea for Rose while I rub her back. Rose stands her body up straight and takes the napkin from Liam and wipes her face clean.

"I'm sorry" Rose says looking sad

"It's okay love, you can't help it. Don't feel bad. You didn't do anything wrong" I tell her

I take her hand and lead her back over to the table and she sits down. I kiss her head and Liam gives her the cup of tea

"Thanks Li" she says

"Your welcome Rose" Liam says

By the time I finish making the waffles all the boys are awake and are sitting at the table. Louis changed the garbage out with a new bag and then sat with everyone else. I bring the waffles to the table and place them done.

"Let Rose take it first guys" I say

"BUT WHY" Niall complains because he doesn't like sharing food

"Because she's carrying your niece or nephew" I say

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