Chapter 6

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I ran upstairs to my room and shut the door. I laid on my bed thinking about Rose. For some reason she just won't leave my head. She's perfect in every way. Like how her bangs fall perfectly over her forehead and her eyes are just the perfect shade of a sky blue. I just laid down thinking of her until I heard my phone beeping.

Rose: hey :) I had fun thank you for inviting me to eat with you and the guys

Harry: your welcome here anytime we come to stay here

Rose: :)

Harry: are you free tomorrow by any chance

Rose: yea I am what do you have in mind?

Harry: I wanted to see if you could show me around and we could go out together.

Rose: yea sure, how about around 3?

Harry: yea that's fine! See you tomorrow

Rose: :)

I put my phone down and run downstairs to the boys who are now staring at me because I'm panting

"What's wrong" Zayn said

"I just asked Rose out" I said while blushing

"And what did she say" asked Niall

"She said yes" I yelled while jumping up and down

"WOOOOOO" all the boys yell while hugging me

"I can't wait for it" I say

"Where are you guys going" said Liam

"Well we are going to go around town and maybe eat some lunch or something" I say

"Good luck mate" says Louis

I go back upstairs and climb into bed since it's now around 11pm at night and I'm tired


I hear a knock at the door and walk over to see Rose

"Hey Rose" I say while smiling at her

"Hey Harry" she says while giving me a smile back

"Did you drive here or walk" I ask

"I walked here so I was hoping you would drive" Rose says

"Okay" I say while grabbing my keys

I open her door for her and then hop into my side. She tells me which why to go until we reach town

"Can we go and grab some food from McDonald's" Rose asks

"Yea sure we can" I say

We pull into McDonald's and I get out and open her door. We walk into McDonald's and we go up to order. I pay for the both of us and we head to a table in the corner of the restaurant. While we are eating I think about that fact that she doesn't know that I'm in a band and I'm famous. I like that though so then there's some mystery between us.

"Hey Rose, I really like your rings" I say while looking at them

"Oh thank you" she says while blushing

As we are talking a girl walks over to us

"Can I get a picture with you" the girl says

"Yea sure I can" I say while getting up

I noticed Rose looking at me with a confused look so I should probably explain after this photo

"Thank you for the picture" said the girl

"Your welcome" I say

I sit back down and Rose is giving me a confused look

"What was that about" Rose says

"I should probably explain. Shouldn't I?" I say

"If you would like to because I'm kind of curious as to why she asked for a picture with you" she said

"Well my full name is Harry Styles. I'm from a UK boyband called One Direction" I say

Rose's eyes go wide and she looks at me for a second

"Your Harry from 1D? I've heard about you but I didn't know it was you" she said

"Yea Im from One Direction and the boys at home are apart of the band too" I said

"Oh that's really cool but I've only really listened to one song because there's really no service up at my mountain house" she says

"That's understandable" I told her


We walk through the door of the house the boys and I are renting in the mountains and shut the door. Rose says hi to the boys and then we head upstairs but of course Louis had to say something stupid

"USE PROTECTION HAZZA" Louis yells from downstairs


Rose looks at me with her face red and I look at her with my face blushing too. We sit on on my bed and just hangout. I play her one of the 1D songs and sig it to her. The whole time Rose just looks at me amazed because of my voice.

"You are amazing" Rose says while throwing her arms around me

I hug her back and tell her thank you

"By the way do you live with your parents or friends" I ask her

"I live with some of my friends but if I told them I know One Direction they would freak out and come running over here" Rose said

"You should call them to come over and the boys and I could throw a party here" I tell her

"Are you sure. One of them is especially crazy about you guy but especially Louis" she says

"Haha louis needs a someone to tell his stupid jokes to so why not" I said

We go downstairs and tell the boys our plan. They agreed so Rose called her friends but didn't tell them it was One Directions party. 20 minutes later there are 5 other girls at the door so I send Louis to open the door since he was excited.

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