Chapter 38

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Rose POV

"For the last time Louis. We aren't telling you the gender of the baby" I say

"But you told Zayn a week ago" louis wines

"I accidentally told him" I said

"BUT" louis starts yelling

"Louis stop stressing me out. It's not good for the baby" I say

"Okay... sorry" louis says and walks out

I walk into Harry's bathroom and take my clothes off and enter the shower. About 10 minutes later and I feel 2 arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I turn around and Harry smiles at me.

"Hey love" Harry says

"Hey. You wanted to join" I say giggling

"Yea I did" harry says and smirks

Harry looks me up and down and stops at my stomach. He notices the baby kick and puts his hand on me.

"She's kicking so much" he says

"Yea. I think she likes hearing you talk" I say

"We can test that out when we leave the shower. I'm going to sing to her" he says

I smile and we finish our shower.


I'm sitting on the bed while Harry lays near my stomach. He won't tell me what song he's singing but I know we will both enjoy it.

"Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days
She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones
It seems to me that when I die, these words will be written on my stone
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight
With nothin' in between
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change
Leave my heart open, but it stays right here in its cage
I know that in the morning, I'll see us in the light up on the hill
Although I am broken, my heart is untamed still
And I'll be gone, gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burnin' bright
The way that I've been holdin' on so tight
With nothin' in between
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life, I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
And I've been waiting for this time to come around
But, baby, runnin' after you is like chasin' the clouds
The story of my life, I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm
And time is frozen
The story of my life, I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of)
The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life" He sang

The whole time baby girl was kicking. Sometimes she was kicking hard so Harry stopped for a second so she wouldn't hurt me.

"I told you she loves your voice" I say

"I'm glad she does. I hope she likes all of us" he says

"She will trust me" I say


Harry and I go downstairs to see what the boys are up to. At this point my stomach is huge. It's hard to sit down and move around because I'm almost 6 months. Sometimes baby girl kicks to hard and she feels like she's going to burst through me at times. Harry sits down on the couch but I stay standing up. I put my hand on my stomach and take a deep breath making all the boys look at me

"You okay love" Harry say and stand up to rub my back

"Yea but I just got kicked pretty hard and now it hurts" I say

"Let me help you sit down love" he says

Harry helps me sit down on the couch and Liam goes and makes me a cup of tea. Liam hands me the tea and I drink it as Harry rubs my stomach. I've been in so much pain lately. I just want her out.

"Harry" I say with tears in my eyes

"Love don't cry. What's wrong" he say's making the boys turn to look at us.

He puts my cup in the table

"I want her out now. I'm in so much pain" I say not even realizing I said her gender

"I know love. I'm so sorry" Harry says while holding me close

"Wait.. your having a girl" Louis says with wide eyes

"Yes we are. I don't even care that I just accidentally told you because my back hurts so much" I say and cry on Harry

"Do you think you'll be more comfortable in bed love" Harry asks

"I don't know maybe" I say

Harry helps me get upstairs and tucks my into bed. He rubs my back and helps me calm down until I fall asleep

Harry's POV

I sneak out of the room while Rose is sleeping and go outside to the backyard and call my mom

Anne: Hi Harry, how are you doing

Harry: Mom I need help

Anne: what's wrong. Why do you sound upset

Harry: Rose is in so much pain and I don't know how to help.

Anne: tell me what happened

Harry: We were about to sit on the couch but the baby kicked Rose hard and it took her a little bit to calm down but then she started crying because her back hurt and I just finally got her to fall sleep but I feel useless mom because I can't help take her pain away

Anne: oh dear. I'll send over something for her that will help with her back

Harry: thank you mom I love you

Anne: I love you too

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