Chapter 55 ⚠️

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I'm feeding Rose her dinner when all the boys come into the tv room.

"My girls" Harry says and sits next to us

"Hey babe" I say

"I have something to say" Harry says

"Yeah" I say

"My mom's coming over today" he says

"Yay I love your mom" I say

Harry smiles at me and the boys just nod and play their video games. After Matilda's done eating I burp her and hand her to Zayn because I needed to use the bathroom. While in the bathroom I hear Louis yelling. I walk back in the tv room and see what Louis's yelling at.

"Aw Louis don't yell your scaring her" I say while comforting Matilda

"She threw up on me" Zayn said in disgust

At this point Louis goes from yelling to laughing because Zayn's chest is covered in baby vomit.

"I'm going to go change" Zayn says and walks upstairs

"Matilda why's you throw up on Uncle Zayn" Niall says while looking at her over my shoulder

I giggle at Niall's comment. Hearing the boys say "uncle" is adorable. I'm glad Harry and I could make them uncles.

"Here you go love. Go to dadda" I say and hand her to Harry.

"Hey baby girl" Harry says

"Im going to go take a shower. Please watch her" I say

"Okay love" Harry says

I walk upstairs and into Harry and I's room. I take my clothes off and grab a towel. I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower on but when I caught a glance of myself in the mirror. I stand in front of the mirror naked looking at my postpartum body. I can't help but get sad because I'm big still. I decide to lock the door and throw up everything I ate that morning. I throw up till I can't anymore and than get in the shower. I shower for an hour because it was quiet. I get out and put my clothes on and walk back downstairs to find a sleeping baby in Liam's arms.

"Where'd Harry go" I ask

"He said he needed to run out for a few" Liam said

"Oh okay" I say

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and I go to open it. When I open it Anne is standing there.

"Hello Anne" I say

"Hi love, how are you feeling" she says

"I'm feeling okay but I'm still a little drained" I say

Anne and I walk over to the couch in the tv while still talking.

"Liam can I have my granddaughter" Anne says

"Here you go Anne" Liam says while placing her in Anne's arms

"She looks just like you hunny" Anne says

"I know. It's crazy but I'm glad she has Harry's eyes and hair color" I say

"She's a perfect mix of the both of you" Anne says

Suddenly Matilda starts crying.

"Oh she must be hungry"
I say

"Let me feed her hunny. You seems exhausted. Do you have any milk in the fridge"
Anne says

"Thank you Anne. It's on the top shelf" I say

Harry's POV

I walk into the house with flowers for Rose when I see mum feeding Matilda and Rose asleep on the couch.

"Hi mum" I say and sit next to her

"Hi Harry" she says

"Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen" I say

"She really is" she says

"How long have you been here for" I ask

"Not to long" she says

"That's good" I say

"Has Rose been sleeping much" she says

"Not really. She wants to help Matilda whenever she can" I say

"Okay well we are letting her sleep now so she can get some energy" she says

"That sounds good mum. I don't want to be worried about her" I say


Mum insisted on making dinner for everyone tonight so I decided I should wake Rose up since it was almost time to eat. I walk over to her and sit next to her. I run my fingers through her hair making her slowly wake up

"Did you enjoy your nap love" I say

"Yeah" she says quietly

"Mum made dinner. Let's go eat" I say

"Okay" Rose says

We walk over to the table and sit down.

"Where's Matilda" Rose asks

"She's asleep upstairs. The baby monitors on the counter over there" I say

Rose nods and we all start eating. Rose didn't eat very much but I just assume it's because she just woke up from her nap.

Rose's POV

I hope Harry didn't notice I didn't eat a lot.

"Im going to go upstairs and call the girls and tell them I'm home" I say

"Okay love have fun" Harry says

I go upstairs and go into the bathroom. I lean over the toilet and put my fingers down my throat making myself throw up. After I'm done I clean myself up and lean against the sink for a little to make the dizziness go away. After I'm done I go into the bedroom and lay down in bed. When I'm in bed I receive a text from my brother Charlie who I haven't heard from in a while. Charlie and I have never been on the best terms since our parents disowned us.

Charlie: Hey Rose how have you been

Rose: I've been good. I have news

Charlie: Your dating Harry Styles?

Rose: Yeah I am. I actually just gave birth to your niece a week ago

Charlie: Really! That's amazing. Can I come meet her one day

Rose: Yeah you can but we live in London at Harry and the boys house

Charlie: Well I'll plan a trip to see you one day

Rose: Okay! That sounds good

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