Chapter 4

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Liam's pov

I look over at Harry and realize he fell asleep. I slowly place him off of me and walk around his room looking for anything sharp. I grab the scissors, pencil sharpeners, and pocket knifes. I than go into his bathroom and grab his razor. I than look in every small places in the bathroom and find 3 more blades so I take them and put them into a box. I take the box downstairs to the kitchen where all the other boys are eating dinner that Zayn made. I place the box on the counter and the boys look at me weirdly.

"What's all this" Niall said

"It's everything sharp from Harry's room that I could find" I say

"Why'd you take everything from his room" said Niall

"Niall it doesn't matter just finish your food" Zayn says while giving me a look

After we eat we decided to just sit down in the living room and watch tv but then we remembered that Louis broke it. I went over to Louis and smacked him on the back of the head

"Ow what was that for" Louis said

" it's for breaking the tv so now I have to watch on my computer" I say

Harry's pov

I slowly open my eyes and look at myself and wonder why my shirt is off and why I'm covered in all these bandages. Then it clicks in my head that I told Liam everything. I slowly get out of bed and walk over to my wardrobe and change my pants into sweats because they had some blood on them. I don't bother putting a shirt on to cover the bandages because the boys probably know. I walk downstairs and see that Louis is fake crying, Liam is giving him a death glare, Niall is laughing, but when I look at Zayn he's giving me a sad smile. He gets up and hugs me. I didn't expect Zayn to do this but he whispered in my ear saying he's knows what it feels like and he's here for me whenever I need it. We pull apart and I nod at him.

"Zayn do you think you can get me some food because I haven't really been eating as you can tell and I k-kind of w-wa-want to get better" I say

Zayn nods at me and takes my hand and leads me into the kitchen. The rest of the boys have now noticed me and came to sit with me. My arms are on the table and my hand is down on them. The bandages have some blood on them but I don't care.

"Hazz I'm going to change your bandages so you want to go to the bathroom and change them or stay here" Liam said

"I want to stay here. I don't care if they see my arms. They need to know anyway" I said while having my head down on the table still.

Liam comes back with bandages and puts them on the counter. He takes my arms and unwraps them. I keep looking down do I don't see the other's reactions.

Liam's pov

I unwrap Harry's bandages and see Niall and Louis's mouths drop open. I give them a look and they close their mouths and look the other way. When I'm done Zayn hands him a sandwich and he eats it. Than goes and lays down on the couch.

Harrys pov

I eat my food and then go lay down on the couch because I still don't want to look at Niall and Louis because I don't  know how they would take all of this. I cover myself up with a blanket and end up falling asleep for the night.

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