Chapter 42

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I know I said I would update everyday but I had to drive through 5 different states to go to college and then move in the next day so I hope you guys won't care but it should go back to regular updates in a few days when I'm done with orientation. I'm also sorry this is a short chapter


I woke up and notice the sun is barely even up yet. I turn and look at the clock to see it say 5:30 am. I can't help but think why Matilda had to start kicking this early so I got out of bed and went into the kitchen. I walked in and started making some tea when my phone started going off. I picked it up to see pictures of Louis with another girl. I immediately called Cam to check on her.

Rose: Are you okay

Cam: I'm okay. I just wish I didn't need to find out from the pap pics

Rose: I'm sorry but I know how to cheer you up

Cam: how?

Rose: go get the rest of the girls and put me on speaker

Cam: your on speaker. Everyone is here with me

Rose: I know I didn't tell you girls yet but Harry and I are having a baby girl and we named her Matilda

The girls starts congratulating me and saying they will all take a trip after she's born to come see her. Cam hangs up and then I got scared when Anne came into the kitchen.

"Omg you scared me" I said while holding my bump

"I'm sorry dear. Why are you up so early" Anne says

"Oh, Matilda decided to kick me awake" I say and laugh

"Seems like she likes kicking a lot" Anne says while laughing

"Yea she does. Harry is convinced that she's going to be a football player" I said

"It seems like he might be right" Anne says

I went into the living room and sat down on the couch and drank my tea while watching a show. 15 minutes later I got a text from Harry.

Harry: the pictures aren't true. Please tell me Cam isn't believing them

Rose: she's devastated Hazz

Harry: so is Louis. Simon set him up. He photoshopped them holding hands

Rose: that's messed up but Louis needs to talk Cam about it himself

Harry: I know but she won't answer him

Rose: just give him some time. She'll answer eventually

Harry: okay love, how's Matilda doing

Rose: she's good but she woke me up at 5:30 by kicking me

Harry: Awe I wish I could feel her kick right now

Rose: soon Hazz

Harry and I talked for a little while until we ended the call since he had to get ready for his concert. I put my cup down on the coffee table and started rubbing my bump. I finished the show I was watching and decided to go into the shower since Anne was taking me to my last appointment before baby girl is born. While I was washing my hair Matilda started kicking again and I couldn't help but smile. I got out and got dressed in one of my shirts and Harry's sweats.

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