Chapter 57

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I take a small bite out of one of the French fries what Harry gave me on the plate and chew it slowly. I finish it and eat a few more. I even take two bites of the cheeseburger and swallow them to make Harry proud. I give Harry back the plate and he puts it back on his bedside table and than turns to me.

"Thank you love. I'm so happy you ate something for me" he says

I give Harry a sad smile and than hold my stomach in my hands feeling disgusted in what I just did.

"Love I know what you're thinking and it's all wrong. Your nothing like how your thinking. I think your perfect the way you are" he says

I give Harry a weak smile and he kisses my forehead. I lean back on Harry until he puts his hand in my pants so it's on my thigh.

"What are you doing" I laugh

"My hand go cold so I figured this would warm me up" he says with a smile

Harry starts moving his hand up until he reaches my underwear. He rests his hand on my area making me moan at his touch.

"Harry we can do this" I say

"Why not" Harry says with a sad look

"The doctor said we needed to wait 6 weeks so we can make sure nothings healing wrong" I say

"Fineeee" Harry wines and pulls his hand out of my pants

I giggle at Harry's reaction and connect our lips together. We kiss for a while until we hear the baby monitor going off. I start to get up but Harry doesn't let me. He pulls out his phone and texts the boys if one of them can see what's wrong with Matilda. Niall agrees and goes to her room. Harry puts on the notebook and we watch it together. During the movie my stomach starts hurting so I get up quickly out of Harry's arms and rush to the bathroom. As I reach the bathroom I immediately throw up in the toilet. Harry has one hand holding my hair and another rubbing my back.

"Your okay love" I hear Harry say as he rubs my back

I finally stop throwing up and stand up. I loose my balance a little so Harry grabs onto me. Harry picks me up and carries me back to the bed. He tucks me in and than climbs in after me.

"Does your stomach hurt love" Harry says

"No. I thinks it's because my stomach isn't that used to that much food" I say

Harry gives me a sad look and holds my hand in his.

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