Chapter 20⚠️

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Harry's POV

We make it back to our hotel room and Rose immediately goes into the bed and covers herself in the covers.

"Love I'm going to go talk to the boys. I'll be right back I promise" I say

She nods so I walk out of the hotel room and over to Niall's room since everyone else is in there. I knock on the door and they let me in

"What's up Hazza, where's Rose" Louis asks

"Why do you look like you've been crying" Zayn says

"Yea, are you okay" Niall says

"Umm I need to tell you guys something" I say while staring to cry

"What's wrong Harry" Liam says

"Rose she umm. She umm got hit in the stomach by something a fan threw last night walking I got eh hotel and it umm. It umm caused her to have a miscarriage this morning" I say and break down in tears

The boys come over and just hug me. They don't say anything except hug me for s little bit. They pull away after 5 minutes

"Im going to head back over to Rose and lay in bed with her and make sure she keeps eating" I say

"Im going to call about canceling the show tonight and tomorrow" Liam says

I nod and walk out and back into my room. I climb into bed with Rose and hold her in my arms.


It's been 5 hours since we got the news and Rose finally fell asleep. I slowly moved off the bed and wen to the suitcase and picked up and a jumper and carry it into the bathroom with me. I look in the cabinet until I find something shape. I don't even think. I just place it to my left arm and make 5 cuts and than I place it to my right arm and make 7. I wash off the metal I just cut myself with and put it back where I found it. I wash my arms off and then put the jumper on so it covers my arms. I walk out of the bathroom and climb back into bed and put the tv on. Rose moves over in her sleep and cuddles into me. I just watch tv while tears run down my face.


Rose wakes up and sits up next to me

"Hey love, how'd you sleep" I say

"I'm just really sad but I'm still glad that I have you" she says

"Me to love" I say

Rose climbs onto my lap and snuggles her head into my neck. She starts kissing my neck a little and than stops. All of a sudden the boys walk into the room with food and chocolate for us.

"Hey guys. We just wanted to drop off some food and say we are very sorry" Liam says

"Thank you guys" said Rose

The boys walk out and Rose sits down next to me and I go and grab the food. The boys got us burgers. I sit on the bed and hand one to Rose.

"I'm not hungry Hazz" Rose says

"Love you have to eat" I say

"I'll eat later just not right now okay" she says

"Okay" I say

I put her food down on the table and then sit back down next to her and start waiting mine. I didn't realize that my sleeve dropped a little but I wasn't to worried because when I looked over to see if Rose saw. She was watching tv and lost in her head. When I finished eating I decided to cuddle with Rose again.

"Don't you have a show to get to" she says

"Liam cancelled it" I say

"There wasn't a need to cancel it Hazz" she says

"Yes there was love, I promised you that I would always be there for you and I'm here" I say

She gives me a week smiles and places her head on my chest.


It's 8:30 and Rose is asleep. She refused to eat all day. I know it's not good but I did something bad as well. It's killing me inside that I relapsed. I keep thinking about what Rose would say if she found out. I slowly get out of bed and head over to Zayn's room because I need help. I knock on the door

"Hey Harry what's up" Zayn asks

"I need help" I say and start crying

"Come sit on the bed. Liam's in here too" Zayn says

I walk In and Liam and Zayn both give me a hug since tears won't stop coming out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry Harry" Zayn says

"I can't even imagine what your going through" Liam says

"I'm not upset right now because of what happened. I'm upset because i couldn't stop myself" I say while the tears slowly stop

"What do you mean you couldn't stop yourself. Zayn asks

"Harry can we see your arms" Liam finally asks

I nose and they pull up my sleeves to see new cuts on my arms.

"Harry this is more than before" Liam says with wide eyes

" I-I Ik I'm sorry" I say and look at the ground

"Does Rose know about this" Zayn says

"No she doesn't, but I'm worried about her too" I say

"Why are you worried about her" Liam asks while bandaging my arms

"She's refusing to eat and I don't want her ED to get worse I say

  "I didn't know she had a ED" Zayn said

"Yes she's good at hiding it" I say


I go back into the room and notice Rose is gone. Suddenly I hear her in the bathroom. I open the door and see her throwing up.

"Love stop" I say and rush over to her

"Harry I can't do this anymore" she says while laying back in my arms

"Love I can't do it ether but we can try together" I say

Rose turns around and faces me.

"D-did you -re-relapse" she looks at me

"Y-yea I did" I say

"Oh Harry" Rose says and kisses my face

"It's okay love, I'm okay. Don't worry about me. What matters is you and your body right now to make sure your okay" I say

Rose nods and climbs onto my lap. I kiss her forehead and put my hands on her waist.

"Can you please eat something for me" I ask

"I'll try Hazz" she says

We get up and I place Rose on the bed and go grab some food for her. I hand her the food and she eats it. I kiss her head and she sits against me.

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