Chapter 54

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The doctor comes through the door of three hospital room we are in and comes to check out Rose. It's the night before Liam's birthday and baby girls due date.

"How are you feeling Mamma" the nurse says to Rose

"I feel horrible but I can't wait to meet her" she says

"Well let's get you check out" she says

The nurse puts on gloves and Rose puts her legs up. The nurse checks her out for a few minutes.

"Looks like we are having this baby tonight or early tomorrow morning" the doctor says

"Omg finally" Rose says

"Yup, you're 8 centimeters along. You just have to get to 10 to be able to push" the doctor says

"Finally" I say

The doctor takes her gloves off and walks out of the room.

"I'm so happy" rose says with tears in her eyes

"me too love. We get to meet our baby girl soon" I say

"We shouldn't tell the boys anything. We should just go home when we are allowed and surprise them" Rose says

"We should" I say


Rose's POV

It's 11:57 pm and I'm almost 10 centimeters along.

"Looks like she's being born on Liam's birthday after all" I say

"Looks like it love" Harry says

A few minutes pass and it hits Midnight. The doctor comes back in and tells me I'm ready to push. I push when I feel contraction while squeezing Harry's hand. I stop pushing and breath for a second until the doctor tells me to push again. Five pushes later Matilda comes into this world at 12:07am at 7 pounds.

"Omg I can't believe I just did that" I say while crying

"You did amazing love. Our little girl if finally here" Harry says while rubbing my head

Harry's leans in and kisses me to celebrate. Harry cuts Matilda's cord and the nurses take her away to get cleaned up. 20 minutes later they bring her in wrapped up in a white blanket and a little pink hat. They hand her over to me and i immediately look into her bright green eyes.

"She has your eyes" I say to Harry

"She does but she looks just like you love" Harry says

"I'm in shock. I can't believe she's ours" I say

"Me too love. I can't wait to bring her home.


2 days later we are finally allowed to leave the hospital. I put Matilda in the onesie Louis got her that says "property of One Direction". Harry puts her in her car seat and we head to the car. Once we are all in the car we head home. It only takes about 10 minutes since the hospital isn't far away. We get to the house and Harry takes Matilda out of her car seat and we go inside. Once the front door opens we don't hear a single noise since it's early in the morning and they boys get to sleep in. Harry hands me Matilda and we go upstairs to Liam's room first. Harry opens the door to see Liam and Zayn sleeping while holding each other. I walk over to the edge of the bed and sit down next to Liam while Harry's recording. I gently nuce Liam causing him to wake up.

"Happy birthday uncle Liam" I say

Liam jumps up causing Zayn to wake up and see me holding her.

"Omg why didn't you tell us you were coming back" Liam says

"We wanted to surprise you all" Harry says

"She looks just like you Rose" Zayn says

"Do you want to hold her Li" I say

"Yes of course" he says

I hand Matilda over to Liam and she opens her eyes.

"Hey little girl" Zayn says over Liam's shoulder

"So what's her name and birthday" Liam asks

"Matilda Grace Styles was born on your birthday at 12:07am" I say

"Matilda.... Your adorable little girl" Liam says

After 15 minutes I take Matilda out of Zayn's arms and hold her.

"We are going to go surprise Uncle Niall now" I say

We walk out and let Liam and Zayn do what they want and walk across the hall to Niall's room. We open the door and see Niall spread out across his bed face down sleeping.

"Why does he sleep like this" I laugh quietly

"I have no clue" Harry laughs

Harry walks over and jumps on Niall causing him to jump up and fall off the bed.

"Why would you do that and why are you home" Niall says

I walk in the room holding her and Niall's eyes light up.

"Let me have her" he says walking over

"Matilda can you say hi to uncle Niall" I say

"Aww you named her Matilda" Niall's says while holding her

"Yea we love that name" Harry says

After Niall gets his turn to meet Matilda we go into Louis room. Or should I say Harry went in to make sure Louis isn't sleeping naked again.

"Come in love" Harry whispers in the doorway

I walk in with Matilda and Louis is just waking up.

"OMG. OMG. OMG. SHES HERE" Louis yells

"Lou shut the fuck up. You'll scare her" Harry says

"Sorry I'm just so excited" Louis says

"It's okay Louis. Do you want to hold her" I say

"Of course I do" Louis says

As soon as I put Matilda in Louis arms she smiles.

"See I am her favorite. She smiled at me" Louis says

"Maybe you will be. You never know" I say


I'm sitting on the couch in the tv room breastfeeding Matilda when Harry walks in.

"How are my girls doing" he says

"We are fine. She's a hungry little girl" I say

"I can see that. Is she hurting you at all" Harry says

"Not at all actually" I say

"I'm glad

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