Chapter 28

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A month 1/2 later

Rose POV

We are back on tour and we are in Vermont. While the boys are performing here I get to see my girls. They just dropped me off and I couldn't be happier. I opened the door and Matilda tackled me onto the floor.

"Matilda get off of Rose" Angelica and Jesse laugh

"Sorry I'm just excited that we have her for the night" Matilda says

"Where's Cam, Amelia, and Emily" I ask

"They went to the store" Jesse says

We all go into the living room to sit down when all of s sudden I feel really nauseous. I can't make it to the bathroom so I throw up in the kitchen garbage.

"Girl are you pregnant or something. I haven't heard you this sick since you threw up on the phone with me that one time" Angelica says

That's the moment it hit me. I didn't get my period. I stood up and wiped my face and turned to the girls since they were all back now.

"I didn't get my period" i say with wide eyes

The girls are silent until Emily goes into the bathroom and comes back with 2 tests.

"Go take this right now" Emily says

I take them from her and walk into the bathroom. I immediately take the 2 tests and walk back out to the kitchen and lean against the counter holding them. The girls and I are waiting when the timer goes off and I flip them over.

"I-it's p-positive" I say with tears starting to form in my eyes

The girls hug me and congratulate me.

"How are you going to tell Harry" Cam asks

"I think I'll just tell him the same way I told him last time" I say

The girls agree and we all sit down in the living room and watch mean girls.


I wake up the next morning in the tour bus and run to the bathroom. I immediately start throwing up and I feel hands wrap around my hair pulling it back but when I pull away and look up at who it is. I see it's Zayn and not Harry. I stand up and wash my face.

"Is there something you want to tell me" Zayn says with a smirk on his face

I close the bathroom door and pull the tests out of my pocket and show them to Zayn

"Rose this is amazing" he says with a judge smile on his face

"I'm excited and I'm happy to tell Harry" I say

"So you have a plan" Zayn says

"Yes I do. You'll see" I say

Zayn and I walk out of the bathroom and over to the boys who are sitting on the couch and watching tv.

"Hey love what are you up to" Harry says

"Oh nothing. I just wanted to come sit with you" I say and kiss his cheek

I snuggle into Harry and put a hand on my stomach like it used to do when I found out I was pregnant last time.

"Zayn can you make me some food please because your in the kitchen" I say

"Of course I will" Z says

Zayn brings me a plate of pasta and I eat it all. After I finish it I have a lot of energy. I get up and turn on some music and start dancing. The boys just stare at me and Harry pulls out his phone and starts taking a video of me.

"Hazz come dance with me" I say and reach my arm out

"Love id rather watch you dance" he chuckles

"Why do you have so much energy" Louis says

"I'm not saying" I said

"What why" Louis says

"I know why" Zayn says with a smirk

I walk over to Harry and whisper in his ear

"Your going to be a daddy" I whisper

Harry's eyes go wide and he picks me up and spins me around. He then puts me down and kisses me for what felt like ever.

"What is happening" Niall asks

"Your going to be Uncles" I say

Their eyes go wide and they start cheering loudly.

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