Chapter 27

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We get out of the car and walk over to the beach

"Guys I have swim suits for you" I say


I hand them their suits while Rose and I go find a spot on the beach to sit down together.

"Louis is going to be mad" I say

"What why" Rose said

"Your about to see" I say

Louis runs over to us and starts yelling at me


Rose immediately starts cracking up falls backwards on the sand. I cant help but laugh too because we know we are going to get photographed here.


"Lou- omfg what are you wearing" says Niall

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME" louis yells

"Louis why are you wearing that mate" Niall asks

"Harry brought it" Louis says

"Harry" Niall says laughing.

We all go into the water and swim around.

"Rose come in it feels good" I say

"It's cold though" Rose says

"Come on love" I say

I walk over to rose and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"No don't put me in Harry" she says

"Love I just want to spend time with you" I say

"You can on the sand" she says

I reach the water up to Rose's waist even though I'm still holding her and she's just laying with her head in my shoulder.

"What would you do if I just dropped you" I say

"No Harry please don't drop me" Rose whines and holds on tighter to me

I let out a chuckle when I feel her grip tightening around me and then I notice that there's someone on the beach photographing us.

"There are paps here. They keep taking pictures of us" I tell her

"They can take all the pictures they want to. We've been dating for a little while" she says

"Yea but we never made it public" I say

"Well I guess at your next interview you'll have to" she says

She presses her lips against mine. I know the paps are loving this because Rose is like my mystery girl because we never confirmed anything. This confirms it though and I'm happy I have her.

We pull aways and I start walking deeper into the water and over to the boys who are roughhousing around in the water.

"Rose let go of Harry and come play with us" louis says

"It's cold and Harry's keeping me warm" she says

"But Rose I want you to help me splash Zayn" louis says


I lower Rose Into the water by her request and she goes over to Zayn and jumps on him. He sinks into the water and then he stand up with Rose on his back and falls backwards into the water causing Rose to go under. She comes back above the water and comes back over to me and wraps her arms around me.


Rose and I are laying on the beach. I look over and her and see her tanning. I sit up and look out into the water at the waves when I see Louis trying to push Niall under the water and Liam trying to save Niall, Zayn is just recording the whole thing. I laugh a little and than lean over and kiss Rose on the cheek. I lay back down next to her and close my eyes.


We just got back to the house and Rose is in the shower but I'm sitting on my bed on my laptop. I open Twitter to find all the fans going crazy about the beach pictures of Rose and I. I smile and save them to my computer and make one of them my background. I also notice there's a lot of hate but I ignore that because I really like Rose and I want to be with her. Rose walks out of the bathroom 15 minutes later wearing my clothes. She comes over and pulls me up off the bed to go eat dinner with the boys. We head downstairs and into the kitchen holding hands

"Who made dinner" I say while sitting at the kitchen table

"Zayn made it because Niall wanted to cook but nobody would let him" Liam says

I let out a chuckle and we all start eating the chicken Zayn made for us.

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