Chapter 21⚠️

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A month later

It's been a month since Rose had her miscarriage and she seems a little happier later. We are still really upset but we are happy that nothing happened to her. Right now we are sitting in the dressing room at a venue in North Carolina waiting fore and the boys to go on stage.

"Uncle Harry" Lux says and runs over to me

"Hey Lux what are you up to" I say

"I tired" she says

"Rest your head on me and close your eyes" I say

Lux ends up falling asleep on me but we have to go on stage so I hand her over to Rose. As i walk away I see Rose sitting with Lux on her lap and she's playing with her hair. We can all tell how much pain she's in and how much she really wanted to be a mom. I know that one day I can give her a baby.


After the concert we go back on the tour bus and Rose lays down on the couch and puts the hood of my jumper up that she's wearing.

"Is she doing any better" Liam whispers to me

"She seems happier but when I looked at her with Lux earlier I can tell she felt lonely" I say

"We are all very sorry. We both know how much you both were looking forward to being parents. One day you both will be" Zayn says

"Thanks mates. I appreciate it" I say

I go over to Rose and sit down next to her head. She lifts her head up and sees it's me. She sits on my lap and wraps her legs behind me, and than puts her head in my shoulder. I hold her until I hear her starting to cry. I rub her back and whisper into her ear saying it's okay.


Rosé eventually falls asleep on me and I just sit there talking to the boys quietly.

"We should be arriving at the next state soon" Liam says

"How long are we staying there for" Niall says

"3 nights" Liam says

"Where is it" I ask

"Hazza how do you not know" Louis says

"Well I've been busy lately" I say

"Sorry" Louis says

"We are going to Texas" Liam says

"Texas really. It's like 100 degrees there" I say

"Yea we know. Don't remind us" Zayn says and rolls his eyes


We all just decide to sleep in the bunks tonight so then we can hangout tomorrow since we have the day off. I lay Rose down into the bunk and then take my shirt off. I climb into the bunk and she moves on top of me since there isn't really a lot of space.

4 hours later

I roll over and try and wrap my arms around Rose but she isn't there. I get up and notice the bathroom light is on so I walk over but I hear something. I put my ear on the door and hear her throwing up. I open the door and she stops and looks at me.

"Love you have to stop this isn't healthy" I say while wrapping my arms around her

"I know it's not Harry but I can't stop. I feel worthless because i couldn't protect our baby" she says while tears stream down her face

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