Chapter 5

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I wake up the next morning in my room to see a bag packed at the end of my bed. I sit there confused for a second so I get out of bed and walk out of my room. When I'm in the hallway I see more bags packed and just stand there confused till I hear Liam calling me downstairs. I walk downstairs and sit down on the couch waiting for someone to say something. Nobody does so I say something.

"Why are there bags packed upstairs" I say

"We are going on vacation for a little while" said Zayn

"Oh okay but when are we leaving" I ask

"I'm about 2 hours" said Liam

With those words I head upstairs and go into my bathroom to take a shower. While in the shower I can't help but scan every inch of my body with my eyes and see how much skin of hanging on me. I decide to get out and search my room for a blade because I can't handle this right now. I finally find one that I left under my mattress and sat down on my bed in sweats and a jumper. I rolled up my sleeve and made 6 cuts down my arm and 3 of them being sort of deep. I then realized what I did so I went over to Liam's room and knocked while holding the blade.

"Come in" Liam said

"Liam help me" I say while in tears

"Hazz" Liam said while opening the door

"Hazz why did you do this" Liam says while bringing me over to his bed to sit down.

He takes the blade away from me and throws it out. He than cleans my arms and wraps it with bandages again.

"Liam I can't get better. I just can't do it" I say

"Yes you can Hazz. I know you can get better. We will help you, okay?" Liam said

"Okay li. Thank you" I say

After wrapping my arm we go downstairs and Li grabs me a sandwich and we all head to the car. Zayn packed our bags into the car since Niall and Louis were goofing off like usual. We were in the car on the way to the airport and the boys told me we were going to a winter home in the middle of the woods for some quiet and for no fans.


We finally land in Vermont in the middle of the winter and start heading to a store to get some food for the next 3 weeks. The whole time we were in the store we had to stop Niall from just throwing food in the cart that he wanted.

"Guys please I want this" Niall whines

"No Niall we need to get actual food maybe another time" Liam says while going off on him like Daddy Direction

Louis grabs a bunch of chips and throws them in the cart

"Louis no" Liam says

"But Niall and I will eat them" louis says

"Fine but this is the only thing I'm getting for the both of you to pig out on" Liam says

Niall and Louis cheer like they are 5 years old and jump into each others arms celebrating

"Guys please don't cause a scene I'm not in the mood right now" I say

They nod at me and we check out and head over to the house in the woods. When we get there we help Liam bring in everything that we bought including our own bangs for the next 3 weeks. While we were unpacking there was a knock on the door so i decided to open it. When I opened the door there was this girl around 5'0, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and the warmest smile ever. She was holding a basket full of snack in her hand.

"Hello" I say

"Hey" say the girl

"Can I help you" I ask

"Yea actually. I just wanted to drop this off for you guys since I bring something over every time someone stays here" she says

"Oh thank you" I say while taking the basket from her

I invited her in since it was very cold outside and didn't want her to freeze

"My names Rose" she said

"My names Harry" I say politely while shaking her hand

"Here let me take your jacket from you" I say

She hands me her jacket and I hang it up on the hook next to us. We than walk to the living room and talk until the boys come down.

"Who's this" Louis says

"This is Rose. She lives in the only house near us down the street" I say to the boys

"Hi" she says and gives them a small wave

I introduce her to the boys one by one and we all decide to talk for a while

"I'm going to make dinner. Do you want to stay and eat with us" Zayn says

"Oh yea sure I would love that" Rose says


I walk Rose to the door when it's time for her to leave but before she does I get her number from her. After saying goodbye to Rose I walk back into the kitchen and the boys start teasing me

"Oooo Hazza has a crush" Louis says

"Did you get her number" says Zayn

"She nice" says Niall

"Your face is bright red" says Liam

I didn't even know I was blushing. I hope she didn't notice because she's a really pretty girl and I would like to get to know her.

"Mates stop I did get her number but it doesn't matter" I say

They all cheer and give me a hug while I complain that they are squeezing me to tightly.

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