Chapter 51

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Harry's POV

It's been 2 weeks since the incident with Emily and Rose still isn't taking it well. She doesn't want to eat or drink anything but is only doing it for the baby. I have been checking up on her constantly and laying with her. She was devastated when she couldn't go to the funeral because she had to stay in bed but she did watch the live stream of it all night because of the time difference.

"Hey love how are you" I say while rubbing our baby

"I feel better. Just trying to focus on baby girl because she should be here soon" she says

"That's good. I got you something if you want to come down to the kitchen" I say

Rose nods and I help her go downstairs and into the kitchen. When she sits down I take out her favorite flowers and candy. I put it down in front of her and she gives me the biggest smile I hadn't seen in a while.

"Thanks babe" she says

"Your welcome love" I say and lean in to kiss her


"Hey babe" I hear Rose say from the bathroom

"Yes love" I say from sitting on the bed

"Can we go sit in the pool because I'm in some pain and it helped last time" she says

"Of course love" I say

We get changed into our swim suits and go sit on the pool stairs together. It's a nice day outside since it's late August. Baby girl should be here in a week on Liam's birthday. He's overly excited about it. As we were sitting in the pool Liam comes out and sits in the edge of the pool next to us.

"Hey li" Rose says

"Hey sis, how's my niece doing" Liam says

"She's good. Just moving a lot" Rose says

"I hope she's getting ready to come out on Friday because I don't want to wait any longer" I say

"Me too. I hope she doesn't come early because I want to share the same birthday as her still" Liam says

"You never know because she has been moving around a lot and kicking" Rose says

"Yes I guess we will have to wait" Liam says

Rose and I sit and talk for a while when Liam goes back inside to take a nap with Zayn. We decided to go inside and change.

"Can you make me some of your pasta" Rose says

"But Zayn was going to cook tonight" I say

"I know but the baby wants it" Rose says

"Okay love I will if you come sit in the couch and don't move around anymore" I say

"Deal" Rose says making me smile

I lean in and kiss her making our lips move together until something opens our door. We run and see Larry running around in circles around the room.

"Larry what are you doing" Rose laughs

"You can't be in here L" I say

Larry doesn't listen so I chase him around the room until I finally catch him. I pick him up and bring him downstairs with us.

"Why are you holding Larry" Louis asks

"He was running around my room" I say

"Larry gets to go where he wants to go" Louis says

"Not in our room when we are expecting a baby by the end of the week" I say

"Fine" Louis complains

Louis taking Larry from me and brings him downstairs to go use the bathroom while I try and clean up as much dog hair as I can get. 2 hours later I finish cleaning the room when Rose walks out the bathroom.

"Babe my shirt doesn't fit" she says while showing me

Her shirt is 4 inches from covering her stomach completely

"Do you want me to find you another one" I say

Rose nods so I go over to the dresser and find her a white shirt and bring it over to her. Rose puts it on and it fits her perfectly.

"Is that better love" I ask

"Yeah. Thank you Hazz she says

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