RETCON of a Retcon of Another Retcon

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Yes.... I know.... Another retcon. Well, it's more of me going back to a previous retcon I've made before. Like before, I've been thinking long and hard about this, but I've finally come to a decision. I'm charging it so that Nhazul only has one

love interest again and that love interest is Serena

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love interest again and that love interest is Serena. So once again, THE STORY IS NO LONGER A HAREM STORY. I know I keep teeter back and forth, but I'm constantly scraping and coming up with different ideas, and constantly teeter between them. But another issue is I'm trying to make this story what it isn't, and that's a harem story. While, I can obviously make it a harem, the story I want to tell won't work as one.

Again, I know some people may be disappointed that Lana is again no longer a love interest, but like I before, for the sake of simplicity and telling the story I want, especially once I return to this story, it needs to be done.

Some may think it's generic, but Serena is my favorite of all the poke girls. Everyone has their favorites, generic or not. I believe the story and future continuations down the line will benefit greatly for it. I've already went back to the story and made the Retcons starting from Chapter 69 and onwards. So again, I apologize for retconing again, but once again it has to be done.

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