37. Izzat

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Those words rang in the air, and I stood there, as they reminded me in my head like a radio, repeating again and again. Questions that haunted my mind now.
I took a step back before their eyes could catch me, I turned on the wall hovering over the wall next to the door, taking support of it.

My eyes were wide open, but my sight questioned, they watched into nothing, while my heartbeat fastened,

The intention were loud and clear he wanted me, but he hid something that he felt would distance me.

Yet, the fear of losing this new bound happiness, the idea broke me, a chill running down my spine, every possible happiness just ghosted before my eyes.


I chose to not know the truth, I chose to stay in oblivion, unknown to whatever facts he feels aren't something I should know about.

I have never been more happy in my life than I have been while living here with him, whatever the verity is, it can rest in grave.

"Zehra, are you done?" I heard the voice from outside, I swiped the tears that slipped from me unsure when, and turned to stare at myself in the mirror, making sure my emotions were masked I turned on my feet and stood in front of him.

"Yes," I said, stepping out. He had straightened his hair and his shirt, but the distress was still visible on his face, he took my bag from the room and walked out.

"I told Maa and Divya earlier," He informed stepping outside, I gave a nod before I faced Devakshaya who was staring at me the whole time.
"Take care, Mute!" He said and I smiled nodding.

Soon we were in the car next to each other. He chose silence, and somewhat I was prone to it as well. I don't dislike it, but the question stuck in me and hadn't chosen to leave me.

"When we will, meet Taara?" I asked,

"We are going to their house right now," He told me, I gave a nod, and he pushed his hand out towards me and took my palm in his, intertwining our fingers and passing me the warmest smile ever.

He did not want to let go of my hand but to turn the gear stick he pulled out, and I felt empty. I stared at my hand and soon he was back holding the same way.

We were soon in Rajkot Haveli where Abhiraj and Taara live. I stepped out, he walked towards me, Abhiraj and Taara came outside soon after. The bags were taken down in their cars, while two more cars were lined up behind Abhiraj's black car.

"Zehra!" Taara walked towards me and hugged me, I hugged her back when she pulled back,

My eyes met Babasaheb and I did the adab and he returned it with a head dip, "How are you?" he simply did the courtesy.

"I am good." he impeded after that,

He and Daiwik followed out of the way soon after, but returning I saw that the two black cars were dismissed now.

"We should leave now," Daiwik said and turned to me opening the door for our car.

"Abhiraj do you mind, if I come in his car too?" I heard Taara ask him, and I blinked, hoping that he would say yes because I somehow felt a giant hole. I want time to fill it back.

"What about me then?" He asked her, "You can join too?" She asked him, and he looked at Daiwik. "Okay, but let's take my car," he said and agreed.



My eyes travelled from its peripheral vision and I saw her standing at the door.

I know she heard Dev.

Taken As Reward (The war of politics and love BOOK 2 ) Where stories live. Discover now