chapter 75

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After thinking about it for a while, Eisen sighed loudly. It was obvious what he was going to do, wasn't it? Of course he would make a Horse Automaton! He just had to!

But now there was a problem... He could create Aulu in such a highly-detailed way only because he had the bones of a wolf to use as reference. Maybe he would be able to copy it with mana copy, but it would be much preferred if there was some kind of way for him to get a horse's corpse to use as reference, and that without having to buy and kill one.

And it was quite hard to just ask someone where he could get a dead horse as well, after all, that would probably just scare people off.

There had to be some way to get a horse's body, right? Maybe he could go out and hunt for a horse-like monster in the forest.

But maybe that wasn't such a good idea. It really seemed like for now, the best option was to simply ask someone if he could make a copy of their horse. Eisen walked over to the stableboy and asked him if he could take a horse there as a reference. But it obviously wouldn't be so easy. After all, who would just let a stranger pour mana into their horse? It would be a quite simple way to injure or kill it basically instantly, so the stableboy didn't want to take that risk.

But he allowed Eisen to walk around and ask people tending to their horse if they were alright with it, so there was at least a little chance left.

So, for the next hour, Eisen tried walking through the stable while trying to find someone that would let Eisen use mana copy on their horse. Most people felt either strongly conflicted or immediately rejected Eisen from the start, but after searching long enough, there was one young man that allowed Eisen to copy his horse.

Eisen thanked him and looked at the horse with light brown fur. It was quite large, as even Eisen was only barely able to look over its back, and it seemed quite healthy, which was really only perfect in Eisen's opinion.

He slowly placed his hand over the horse's back and poured his mana out of his palm, manipulating it so that it envelops the horse completely, and then started to move it inside of the horse's body.

Immediately, the horse reacted to the large amount of mana entering it and started to move around nervously, but the owner managed to make it calm down so that Eisen could continue his work.

He focused on every part of the Horse's body one by one, trying to copy it in as much detail as possible, until...

[Mana Library Expanded - Gigantuon Steed]

Eisen smiled happily and quickly pulled his mana back out of the Horse's body, then once more thanked the young man for his help.

After leaving the stable, Eisen and Bree quickly went to their room in the Inn to see if Jyuuk was still there or if he was out and about, doing something on his own. Once they saw that the room was completely empty, they decided to leave Jyuuk to do his own thing already and then made their way to the place where Eisen might spend the next few days again, the smithy run by the Grandmaster Blacksmith Denmir, "Dwarf's Delight".

They walked through the front door and greeted the employee sitting at the counter while she was looking at Aulu and Caria in slight confusion, then made their way to the back of the shop, where Denmir was currently taking a break from his work.

"Ah! What're ye doin' here, old man? And what's that what ye've brough there with ya? Don't tell me ya became some tamer all of a sudden!" The Dwarf yelled out and walked over to greet Eisen, his stare concentrated on both Caria and Aulu, especially the latter. And once he got closer, as Eisen would have expected from him, Denmir's eyes became wide.

"Wait, that's no livin' bein', is it? Isn't that wolf's fur made of brass? Or does it just look like that? And it's just standin' there like a statue as well..." He said with professional curiousity and squatted down onto the ground to take a closer look at the thing in front of him.

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