(4) An Aching Soul

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<Rose: Please, can we just talk? 5 minutes.>

<Rose: I made a mistake Austen. Please talk to me. >

I delete the messages right as the doctor walks out. Josiah and I both stand up as she gestures for us to follow her.

The rape kit itself took approximately 4 hours after the 2 hours it took them to have her checked with multiple scans and minor tests given they were aware of her accident last year and the concussion she had then. Jules had a minor laceration to her skull from the impact, but nothing major. She only needed 3-4 stitches. She did have a minor concussion, again. The police interview was about 3 hours. She was still disoriented. Her recollection of the events prior to the incident were still fuzzy. This doesn't account for the hour nap she took, or her breakfast. Or the nurse's coming in to check on her. Or the phone call from Gray. They wanted to keep her for a full day in observation. So far we were at 13 of 24 hours.

"She's sleeping right now, but you guys can come in." She says as she warmly smiles at us. "She was complaining of some headaches, but completely normal. She just needs some rest."

Josiah walks over to her side, lightly running his fingers over her hand. I take a seat in the chair, resting my head against the wall, glaring at him. "Yes?" He asks me in a snarky tone. I scoff and shake my head.

"W-w.. wait!" Someone shouts from outside the hall. There's the sound of something rolling and crashing loudly against a wall. "SIR YOU CAN'T!!"


Josiah flinches and looks towards the door as the yelling and the sound of multiple feet chasing someone, gets closer. "I'm so sorry!" Someone shouts apologizing for the person who shouted for everyone to fuck off.

He looks towards me, clearly panicked. I smirk and sink deeper into the chair as the footsteps are now practically outside of the door.

"You're fucked." I chuckle as the doorknob turns.


The voices were muffled, almost distorted like. But they were there. My head was pounding. I felt pressure trapped inside my skull. And my eyelids felt so heavy. I was so tired.

"... let go! .. you have... calm down!" Someone shouts. But again. It all was muffled and all sounded to be from a distance.

"If ... happens to her... kill you.. two hands... to fucking god." Someone shouts angrily in a voice that sounded familiar. My eyelids twitch, and slightly open. But it was all blurry. And it was all in less than a moment. There were 4 people in the room, and one person standing by the doorframe. Two figures stood by the wall, and it seemed like one of them was pinned against the wall by the other. Someone in the chair. Someone trying to help the person against the wall. And the person by the door.. well I can't remember. But I think they were looking at me. The only thing that did stick out, was their vibrant copper colored hair, and a pair of piercing green eyes.

When I finally wake up again, the headache had somewhat subsided and Austen was gone. "Are you feeling better?" Josiah whispers as he inches himself closer to the bed. "My head hurts." I mumble. He chuckles and brings my hand to his lips. I notice he winces as he does. "What's wrong?" I ask pulling my hand away. When he looks at me again, I notice the side of his lip was split. I gasp and lightly run my finger over it. He winces again, hissing. The cut was still red and puffy with a protruding bubble of blood ready to burst again.

He pulls my hand away, and smiles, wincing as the skin around it stretches. "Nothing Jules." He mumbles. "Hit myself by accident when changing the tire on my car." I nod my head, wincing in pain from the slight movement. "Has the doctor said anything about the results?" I ask him. "They were negative." He says rubbing my leg.

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