(13) Two Truths and a Lie

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Austen had decided the day after his party, a game night would be the best way to close off his birthday weekend. Those attending would include me. Alysa. Rosie, because Austen and her were in the mending stages of their.. budding friendship. His new profound best friend Tom. And wherever Tom went, Bill went. And because Tom would be going, Josiah would be going. And if Josiah was going, then it would only be fair for Austen to invite Emi. And because Austen lived with roommates, Tom was gracious enough to offer their house. And that would be the shit show for tonight.

I look towards Josiah who rolls his head to the side to look at me. "Game night with your two ex boyfriends who are now best friends, and absolutely hate me?" He smirks and leans over, sucking my bottom lip gently into his mouth. "I'm down." He chuckles as he pulls away.

He gets out of the car, jogging over to open my door for me. "Please be nice." I tell him. He smirks and closes the door behind me, taking my hand into his. "I'm always nice."

He stops me, gently pulling on my hand. I turn to look at him. "I love you, Jules." He tells me.

I still love you.

I smile nervously and nod my head. "I do too." I whisper as he leans down to kiss me again.

I take a deep breath following Josiah into the house. Alysa and Bill were running bowls of snacks from the kitchen into the living room. Rosie and Austen were helping with drinks. Tom turns around having heard the door open and looks down at my hand intertwined with Josiah's. He shifts his eyes to me, but only for a second before looking away, completely unbothered. "Hey Jules!" Bill says with a beaming voice. I smile and awkwardly raise my hand.

"You guys made it." She says. I flinch and look over my shoulder at Emi who was holding a cardboard box in her hands. She smiles at me. "Nice to see you again Jules."

I nervously smile at her as Josiah let's go of my hand. "Here I can get that." He offers and takes the box from her. I wrap my arms around my shoulders and turn to face her. I notice the large grey hoodie she was wearing. It was nice and looked comfortable. "I like your hoo—" She smiles and shakes her head. I swallow a dry lump in my throat. "Emi, it was a—"

She shakes her head again. "It would have happened sooner or later." She whispers.

"Charades? Are you fucking stupid?" Tom hisses from behind us.

"Not everyone knows trivia of renowned authors." Josiah growls as he picks up a card. "A man can be destroyed but not defeated? How the fuck would I know that?"

Tom snatches the card from him. "It's Hemingway you fucking neanderthal."

I look back at Emi who chuckles. She lightly places her hand on my shoulder and slightly leans in. "It's not my place to tell him." She whispers. She smiles at me and walks around me towards the guys. She shakes her head and walks towards Tom whispering something into his ear.

He looks towards me, but eventually looks away, focusing back on her. He chuckles at something she said, and grabs her head, pulling it towards him and kissing her forehead. She smiles at him and turns towards Josiah. "Do you mind helping me in the kitchen?" She asks him.

As they disappear into the kitchen, I realize it's only Tom and I left in the living room. His hands were in his pockets and he was staring down at the ground. I stay quiet and walk past him to the couch.

"Juliette about last night.."


It would always be him. And I'd tell him this as soon as we pulled away for air. If he asked me to, I'd leave Josiah. I hope he'd leave her too.

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