(24) You'll be Good for Me

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(Hold off on the song until you reach Emi's P.O.V! And replay if necessary, as always .. Xo- A)
"You could have stayed longer." He mumbles. "It's been 2 weeks." I sigh and exit the bathroom looking towards his closet where some of my clothes remained from the times I would sleep over. When we were still a couple. He turns to look at his closet and sheepishly shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck as he lowers his gaze to the floor. "Did you.. want.." he clears his throat. "I kept them there in case of something like this." He mumbles.

I smile and look towards the framed picture of us he kept by his bed. "You promised." I tell him. He sighs and nods as he follows me downstairs and walks me back to the car. "I love you, Juliette. Always." He says as he closes the car door for me. He leans in through the car window and hugs me. As he pulls away, he lingers for a moment, gently kissing me. I don't try and push him away. I think this was our way of saying goodbye to a chapter we had left pending. "I love you too, Josiah." I mumble as he pulls away and waves me goodbye. The last 2 weeks were a bittersweet reminder that with Josiah I could have everything I wanted. If only I wanted it.

The house was quiet as I close the door behind me. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for which side of Tom I was about to encounter.

"Juliette?" He calls out. I look up, locking eyes with him. He rushes down the stairs, stopping at the bottom of the stairway as he looks down at the small suitcase I had. "So it's him?" He asks me. His voice was raw and raspy, as if it were strained. "It was never him." I sigh, opening the suitcase for him that held the last bit of clothes I had left at Josiah's.

He sniffles and nods his head, his face was beginning to twist, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to keep in tears. "Why did you do it?" I ask him.

He shrugs, looking to the side. He was frowning, his bottom lip slightly shaking. He looked like an upset child who was being asked a question after having done something bad. "I was at my worst then." He manages to mumble. He wipes his eyes with his hands. "I wasn't hanging with the best people then. I was on a drinking binge. Shut down and in the dark. At first I didn't care. I couldn't feel a thing for her. But when I saw her passed out on the couch.."

He chokes on his tears, shaking his head as they begin to stream down his face. "When I saw her there, I realized what I had done. I held her for a while crying and trying to comfort her. But she wouldn't wake up. She wouldn't move."

Flashback (Tom's P.O.V)

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!" Bill screams at me as I stumble into the house with Emi. I set her down on the couch, collapsing by her side. I squeeze her hand, the hot tears were running down my chin, splattering against her arm.

I pull her against me again. Her head rolls to the side. "Mm.. no." She mumbles sluggishly.

I catch my breath and place my hand on her cheek, rolling her head back to my chest.  I groan through my tears as I begin kissing her forehead. "HOW FUCKED UP CAN YOU BE!!" He finally screams at me. I ignore him, continuing to rock myself with Emi in my arms.

"I never wanted to hurt her." I say, shaking my head as if to convince myself it were true. "Baby, I'm so sorry." I mumble to her.

She quietly groans again, her body twitching. "I'm sorry, Emilia." I mumble.

He begins crying. "The next morning, when I told her, she had a full panic attack." He sniffles. "And yet she still found it possible to forgive me."

"Am I still going to see you after this?" He asks me, looking at me with pleading eyes. I sigh and look around the house, finally settling back on him. "Promise me one thing."

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