(17) I Sometimes Wonder

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"FUCK YOU!" She screams at him. He turns around, grabbing a flower vase and throws it over her head. She doesn't flinch as it explodes. Austen rushes towards Jules. Bill grabs Tom, holding him back.

"WILL YOU JUST LISTEN!!" Tom screams at her. Jules raises both her hands flicking him off. "Shove it up your a—"

"OKAY!!" Austen shouts covering her mouth as Tom goes wide eyed, trying to push Bill off to get to her. "I'll watch her. Don't worry." Austen mumbles as he picks her up and takes her outside to his car.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Tom shouts at Bill finally managing to push him off. "Are you ready or not?" He hisses to me. I flinch and nod, cautiously walking around them to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask him. He shrugs and looks down at his phone. He'd been on it more often. And that wasn't like him. Tom was never the kind that was glued to his phone.

"Sorry about earlier." He mumbles after a while. I nod, trying to stay as still as possible. I was worried that if I moved the wrong way, he'd snap. "Juliette just.. FUCK!" He barks elbowing his seat angrily. He takes a deep breath.

I thought Tom and I argued. But the past few weeks since Juliette moved in, they've argued everyday, multiple times throughout the day. To the point where sometimes Bill and I could sit and have dinner, unfazed about the constant chaos and threats being shouted upstairs. They could get under the other's skin in a matter of seconds. And the moments they were okay, you'd think they were genuinely in love. How they hadn't killed each other yet, I didn't know.

I wonder if they were always like that.

"What is this?" I ask him as he walks back with two mason jars. He smirks and sets one in front of me. "It's a milkshake." He says. I scoff and slowly turn the so-called milkshake that was stacked high, with chocolate drizzle, chocolate crumbles, whipped cream, and a toasted marshmallow. "A heart attack waiting to happen." I gasp. He chuckles and shakes his head. "It's how Americans like them. Try it." He says.

I hesitantly take a sip, finding it was actually really good. "Oh wow. This is good." I mumble. He laughs. But it wasn't the same laugh I heard last night. "You like these?" I ask him. He shrugs and drinks from his. "I didn't at first. I thought she was trying to kill me." He chuckles.

He furrows his eyebrows, realizing he accidentally referred to her. "It's okay." I mumble. "She has good taste." I sigh, smirking at him as he looks up at me surprised that I wasn't angry.

He smirks back and looks down at the milkshake in front of him. "Thanks Emi." He mumbles. "For?" I ask him as I continue drinking from the sugar jar in front of me. "For being in this position and not having left."

I shrug. "It hasn't been easy." I mumble. "So why do it?" He asks me. "If this is the only way I can be close to you. Then I'll take it. I know you, and I know your heart. And because I have hope that maybe one day you'll be ready to move on. And I'll be here for that." I mumble quietly as I lower my gaze.

He doesn't answer. When he doesn't say anything I look up at him. He was staring at me with no expression to his face, besides a subtle frown. "Don't do that to yourself." He mumbles coldly as he finally looks away again. "Are you ready to go?" I ask after a few minutes.

"Yeah." He replies as he stands up, and turns to walk off. I push in my chair, having to speed walk to catch up to him. It was darker outside now. The sun had completely set. But it felt nice and cool, with the soft wind blowing. We quietly walk towards a nearby park.

It may have been silent. But I was still having a really good time with him. I was happy. It's not to say I didn't like Juliette. But he'd been spending more time with her. Even if she didn't want him near her.

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