(41) How Did I End Up Here

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It was cold and dark. I'd been here a day. The sun had already rose once. And it was dark again. The only source of light came from the moonlight peering in through the shattered glass window panels near the ceiling of the abandoned building.

I think it was at some point some sort of factory. There was abandoned equipment. The room smelt of humidity and mold. The ground was rotting from water damage.

I hiccup, hissing in pain as my wrists rub against the thick rope. I groan in pain, lowering my head, wanting to cry. The once tan rope was soiled. It was a murky copper color, stained with both dry and fresh blood. My wrists were almost skinned from hours of trying to pull them free.

I was shaking. Cold. Hungry. Tired. My back hurt from being tied down to the chair. My ankles were sore, equally hurt and peeling from trying to thrash and free myself.

"JULIEEETTEEEEE" He cruelly sings, his footsteps loudly echoing. I groggily look up at him, flinching. "Oh, baby, what's the matter?" He asks, smirking. He gets on his knees in front of me and begins kissing up my neck to my jaw. My body begins shaking in fear and in pain. "Please don't." I whimper. Almost on cue.. he bites down on an area of my neck, and begins sucking. I begin crying. Surprised that I could still muster tears. The pain was excruciating.

He reaches for my right breast that was exposed and squeezes it. I whimper in pain as he begins to feel me up, again. He pulls away and proudly, disgustingly proud, looks over my exposed upper body and the various hickies he'd left. Some of which were ready to bleed. My boobs were swollen and aching from his rough touch and occasional biting.

"You're perfect." Peter almost groans.


I laugh as he kisses up my jaw, gently kissing the area behind my ear. I squirm, bursting into a harder fit of laughter. He snorts, exploding into a fit of laughter himself. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asks me.

"What are YOU doing? Tom that tickles." I laugh. He chuckles and lowers himself again, kissing my forehead. "You're unbelievable." He teases me. "No. I'm Juliette." I tease him back. He smiles and gently kisses me. "You're perfect." He whispers against my lips.

I wish I could go back to that.

How did I end up here?

I look to the side at my shirt that lay soaked on the wet floor. My bra that was thrown a few feet away. He quietly groans and reaches for the back of my head and forces his lips against mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth.

I had bit him. Spit at him. Screamed for hours. But my mouth was dry. My lips cracked and bleeding. But his tongue was moist. And I hadn't had water in hours.

He smirks and takes his tongue out of my mouth, biting down on my bruised and bloodied lip. I feel a few drops of blood escape. And I quickly run my dry tongue over it, refusing to allow any sort of liquid to escape. "Someone's thirsty." He sighs.

He turns around and pulls out a water bottle, bringing it to my lips. He was tipping the water bottle. The water was flowing faster than I could drink. Some of it runs down my mouth, down my neck and down my breasts. He was mesmerized, watching the water run down to the waist of my jeans. He pulls the bottle away from me.

"You are absolutely, fucking.. breathtaking." He whispers into my ear. He groans, and begins kissing down my neck again. "He always had to fucking get the good ones." He suddenly hisses and pulls away. "Always fucking leaving me the shitty ones. Or throwing his used bitches at me when he was done. After he'd fucking break them. They weren't the same."

He shakes his head. "Did he take your virginity too?" He asks me. I stay silent. My throat was throbbing in pain from hours of screaming and being strangled by him and the other one. He scoffs. "Of course he did." He sighs and shakes his head again.

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