(26) Marriage and Kids?

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"Dad!" Juliette squeals as she runs towards him. His muscular arms flex with even the slightest movement. "My precious jewel!" He chuckles as he squeezes her tightly. I gulp nervously feeling my heart jump to my throat.

He gently lowers her, turning his attention to me. "Tom." He says, something about his smile was unsettling. "Mr.Emerson." I mumble nervously reaching my hand towards him. "Tom, he's told you to call him Gray." Juliette whispers from the side.

"No.. Mr.Emerson has a good ring to it." He dryly chuckles ignoring my hand and instead patting my shoulder as he walks towards the car. I could hear Juliette gulp from here. "I'm fucked, aren't I?" I quietly groan. "Uhm.." She squeaks, quickly clearing her throat. "Maybe just don't.. until we get home." She mumbles before getting into the back of the car.

I nervously look over at Gray who's eyes were glued straight. Every now and then I'd catch Juliette begin chewing on the side of her thumb, something she only did when she was genuinely nervous.

"I'll get your bags." I mumble shooting out from
the car. "No, I got it." Gray calls out following closely behind. "No, please I insist." I mumble opening the trunk. "I'd rather you not." He growls. I flinch and step away, letting him grab his suitcase. He smiles at me and begins laughing, once more patting my shoulder. Only in a more aggressive way. I gulp and look at Juliette who was keeping her eyes glued to the ground as we walk into the empty house.

Rosie offered to let Emi sleep over at her house for the next two days that Gray would be here.. to avoid giving him another reason to hate me. Though I highly doubt that's where Emi really went. Bill and Alysa would be staying with George and Gustav at the old house. They both were wanting to avoid what was about to unfold.

"Uhm, dad are you hungry?" Juliette asks quietly. He chuckles and wraps his arm around her. "I could eat." He says. I sprint to the door, keys ready. "I could pick up some Chinese?" I offer. Anything to get away. "No I'd like a word with you." Gray growls. He looks down at Juliette who was frowning. "My wallet should be in my suitcase." He tells her.

"I.. I can pay." I stammer pulling out my wallet. "I think you've done enough." Gray coldly mumbles. My hand begins shaking as I push back my wallet into my jeans. "Please be nice." Juliette whispers to him as she takes one last look at us before leaving.

Gray chuckles and turns around walking to the kitchen. His footsteps echo through the house. "You coming?" He calls out. I flinch and drag my feet towards the kitchen. He was sitting at the table, strumming his fingers against the top. I pull out the chair, sitting across from him, sinking low into the chair. We sat in silence for what felt like an eternity.

I can't help but awkwardly nod at him as I accidentally glance up at him a few times. I pull around the collar of my hoodie feeling it was strangling me. Fuck. Has my mouth been this dry the entire time? Are my hands suppose to be sweating? Why the fuck can I hear my heart in my ears.

"How was Germany?" He asks me. "Uhm. It was.. it was okay." I stammer. Oh god. He slowly nods, keeping his stare on me. "You seem good." He says. I nervously laugh, getting up. "Are you thirsty? I can get us some—"

"Sit the fuck down." He growls. Never in my life had I ever listened to someone tell me what to do and sit down as quickly as I did right now. But here I was being confronted by not just my girlfriend's dad. No. It was Juliette's dad. Gray Emerson. The only man who I genuinely feared and respected both at once.

He sighs and leans over the table, one by one popping his knuckles. "Ask me how my daughter was." He sighs. I flinch, clenching the sides of the chair. Was this a trick question? Of course it fucking was. I try to swallow, but nothing goes down. My mouth was too dry, and I was shaking too badly. He raises an eyebrow, waiting. "H-how was Ju- Juli-" oh fuck. I run my tongue across my bottom lip, trying to get the fucking words out. "How was.." The words coming out in a whisper instead.

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