(30) When I See Him Again

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"There's not much to tell." He chuckles, smirking at the show's host. His eyes roam up and down her body. The entire interview she'd been blushing, giggling at all his comments.

Bill and the guys stare at him, uncomfortably clearing their throats every now and then when Tom's answers would become more straightforward that he was hitting on her. "See I've heard you had gotten back with your ex girlfriend.. mmm. I can't exactly remember her name."

"Oh. Jules. But that.. ended a few weeks back." He chuckles tilting his head to the side as he continues to look down at her chest. Bill clears his throat, grabbing Tom from the arm and pulling him away from the host. "JULIETTE." Bill semi hisses to Tom, ".. continues to be someone close to us." George and Gustav both nod in agreement. "Yeah we all love Jules." George chuckles nervously looking to the camera.

"Jules is someone that you don't want out of your life." Gustav nervously laughs. Bill nods in agreement and smiles to the host who was noticeably annoyed by their comments. "She's my fiancé's best friend. She's not going anywhere."

"You're done." My dad growls from behind me. Fuck. I was busted. He grabs the remote, shutting the TV off. "DAD!!" I scream in frustration.

Sandra peeks her head out from the kitchen and smiles. She sighs and takes off her apron, taking her spot next to my dad. Even with under eye bags from staying up late to continue unpacking, Sandra still looked beautiful. Her chocolate brown hair was loosely being held up by a hair claw clip. Her dark brown eyes definitely clashed with the black under eye bags. But her radiant smile made up for it.

I was glad my dad had decided to make things more serious with her. My dad and Sandra met through Mr.Blake a few years ago. Sandra always thought my dad was handsome. And I'll give her credit for having put up with him. My dad could be cruel towards others. But I knew he secretly liked her too. He just felt too guilty to move on from my mom. Too scared that I would think he was trying to replace my mom. But I knew my mom would have loved Sandra. And I loved Sandra. I'd often find her staring at a picture of my mom. I use to think it bothered her.


She was doing it again. Staring at the picture of my mom that my dad kept on the center of the fireplace with a frown on her lips.

She flinches, probably feeling I was staring at her again. I couldn't help it. I feel we never had anything to talk about. Maybe she didn't like me. That would ruin things between her and my dad.

"Sorry. I don't mean to stare." Sandra nervously laughs turning her attention towards me. "You're mom. She was.. IS just so beautiful." She nervously rambles. She sighs and turns around to quickly glance again at the picture of her. "I'm just so boring compared to her." She mumbles under her breath. "My dad really likes you. He's just scared."

She turns back to look at me and sniffles. "I'd never want to take her place Juliette." She turns around and smiles at my mom's picture. "I only stop by her photo every time to ask for her to approve of me. To send a sign if she thinks I should be with him."

I look towards my mom's photo, feeling a deep warmth in my chest as I get closer to Sandra. A familiar comfort and safety. I often felt that way with Sandra. "I think she'd love you." I whisper.

Sandra really did love my dad. And whether he wanted to admit it or not.. he loved her too. Maybe not the same way he loved my mom. But he loved her. I was happy this move to California was what pushed their relationship to be more serious from my dad asking her to move in with him. Though, I wasn't too thrilled that the only reason they sold our house in New York and came to California, was because they were worried I'd have a meltdown because of Tom.

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