(50) Epilogue

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*17 Years Later*

"JULIA AYLA KAULITZ!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I chase after her through the front door and to the living room. She lets out a frustrated scream turning around. "THAT WAS SO FUCKING RUDE OF YOU!!" She screams.

"I COULD GIVE TWO SHITS!!!" I scream back at her.

Grayson groans and leaves the room to find his mother.

"Julia, I am this.." I hiss raising my index finger and thumb in an almost pinching way. "This fucking close to having a fucking stroke or heart attack from my blood pressure sky rocketing."

She crosses her arms across her chest, pursing her lips and raising an eyebrow at me. She looked exactly like Juliette. She had her mother's dark brown hair only Julia's was slightly wavier. Her mother's dark brown eyes and long eyelashes. She dressed a lot like her mother did when she was younger. Always chucks or docs. And she preferred to wear black most of the time. But when she was angry and making her faces, there was no mistake. She was my daughter. Though she looked more like Juliette, she unfortunately had my temper and attitude. I knew I was fucked when she was 5 years old and starting kindergarten.

A girl was mad that Julia had gotten line leader and pushed her. When the teacher turned around, Julia grabbed the girl's ear and dug her nail into her earlobe forcing the little girl on to the ground. Julia almost gave the girl a new piercing. When she was 7, a girl made fun of Julia's hair. So during arts and crafts, Julia coated a piece of gum in tacky glue and jammed the thing as deep as she could into the other girl's hair. And so forth.

Grayson on the other hand was different. Besides the fact that he looked more like me than his mother, with the exception of having Juliette's dark brown hair as well. He was quiet spoken. Very much cool headed and patient. He'd often sit quietly letting his older sister rant to him, occasionally replying. He was a good kid. Smart like his mother. Respectful. I caught wind from Austen's boy, ironically, Asher, that Grayson was popular with the girls. Being 16 you'd think he'd be getting around. Or at least starting to. But according to Bill's daughter, Eliana, who'd over heard her younger brother, Jace talking to Grayson, Grayson showed little interest in them. The only crush I ever knew of was when Grayson was 12 and had let Emi and Josiah's girl, Alaina, peck his cheek. But that crush was short lived. And thank fucking god because I couldn't imagine dealing with Josiah on a more regular basis. Rosie once asked if Grayson was really my kid. Hell. I'd think the same thing too if it weren't for the fact that he looked almost just like me with the exception that he preferred his hair shorter. The edgiest thing about him was perhaps his pierced ears.

And Lianna. My sweet little Lia. Well it was too soon to know. She was only 6. She was the perfect blend of me and Juliette. Her hair a lighter brown. My brown eyes, but Juliette's doe shaped eyes. She wasn't as defiant as Julia. Or as quiet as Greyson. She could be sassy. But she could also be sensitive. It really just depended on the day. But Lianna was very smart for her age.

Juliette and Greyson come into the room followed by Lianna who goes straight for the couch. "You're fucked." Julia snickers in amusement. "What's wrong now?" Juliette asks.

"Miles came to see me and dad ran him off!!" Julia groans stomping her foot as if she were Lianna's age. Juliette groans. "Julia you know what your dad thinks about him."

"Ha." I gloat.

"And you promised you'd be less hostile!" Juliette snaps at me. "HA." Julia shouts back. "He's a fucking loser. Over my dead body will I let him near my daughter. So no. I don't want fucking Milo here."

"HIS NAME IS MILES!!" Julia screams. "MILO, MATHEW, KYLE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT HIS NAME IS!!" I scream back at her snapping my fingers.

"Isn't that a dog's name?" Lianna asks. Grayson stifles down a laugh. "Mind your fucking business." Julia hisses.

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