(44) You're Not Okay

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(Hold off on the song until told to play & and enjoy!! xo-Allison)

"Mr. and Mrs.Kaulitz." I giggle looking down at the wedding invitation.

The door opens and Rosie steps in, smiling widely. She rests her head against my shoulder as we both look into the large mirror in front of us. The light champagne gold dress looked amazing on her. Her blonde hair was loosely tied into a middle bun with a few strands escaping in the front of her face. "You look less shittier than normal." She sighs.

I laugh and shake my head. "Oh my god. Would it kill you to say something nice?" I ask her. She smirks and raises her head, lightly running her hand down my curled hair that had finally grown a little past my shoulders. It was slowly growing back.

It had been 4 months since the accident. And things were.. in a good place.

"Are you ready?" Rosie asks, squeezing my arm. I take a deep breath, feeling my nerves were about to take over. "Let's do this." I groan, feeling jumpy. Rosie helps to quickly tie the back of my dress. She had a light hand, I barely felt when she was finished. "Come on." She says.

"You're late. Let's go." The wedding planner shouts, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the front. My hands were sweaty as the music begins to play. "Are you ready?" Alysa asks me as she takes her place looking around in a panic, trying to make sure everything was perfect. I smirk and wink at her. "I love you Alysa."

She stops panicking and looks at me, smiling with teary eyes. "Here we go." She whispers as the doors open and we begin walking to the tune of the song.

The crowd stands, smiling widely. A few people crying. A few waving in excitement. Sandra was crying, doing her best to keep her composure. I look towards the alter, catching my breath as I spot Tom, looking around nervously. He pulls on the collar of his suit. I could tell he hated the thing.

His eyes finally stop on me. A huge smile curls on to his lips as he takes a deep breath. "I love you." He mouths as we get closer. My cheeks begin to burn. I lower my head, smiling like an idiot as I take my place.

The pastor clears his throat, gesturing for everyone to silence. "We are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two individuals. Alysa Daniels and Bill Kaulitz."

Mr.Daniels' winks at Bill before walking towards Mrs.Daniels who was already on the verge of tears.

Alysa was shaking. The flowers in her hand were beginning to lose petals as she looks over her shoulder at all the guests. Bill looks down at the flowers, grinning. He reaches over and takes Alysa's hands in his helping to steady her hands and the flowers. She flinches, looking over at him in both embarrassment and panic. He smiles at her. "Look at me." He whispers. "Not them."

Alysa quietly whimpers, nodding. She takes a deep breath keeping her eyes focused on Bill. Pretty soon, she stops shaking. And the ceremony continues.

Tom smiles at me from behind Bill. We both exchange looks every now and then.

"Until death.. do us part." Bill carefully slides the ring onto Alysa's finger. She covers her mouth, stifling down a sob. Tom smirks and hands her Bill's ring, as she recites the same words. Her hand was shaking. It was taking her a minute. Bill chuckles, grabbing her hand and helping her slide the ring on.

As they kiss, the crowd erupts in excitement.

"I present, Mr. and Mrs.Kaulitz." The priest shouts over the cheering and sobbing.

I look behind me at Rosie who was smiling with her own teary eyes and at Emi was sobbing behind Rosie.

Alysa turns around, we both look at one another, embracing each other. "Congratulations." I whisper through my sobs. She sniffles and squeezes me tighter. "I love you too, Jules." She whispers.

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