(21) A Girl From The Clinic

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"Daniels. Alysa." She says as she brushes a stray hair from her face, making sure her emerald cut ring was flashing the front desk nurses.

I stifle down a laugh as they hand her a form to fill out. "You are so.. unbelievable." I giggle. "I don't care. I'm someone's fiancé now. Someone very special." She giggles. She squeals and clicks the pen, beginning to fill out the questionnaire.

I look around the clinic I was all to familiar with. From my initial birth control appointment, finding out I was pregnant, to my car crash, my therapies, and then the miscarriage. It was all a little too overwhelming.

"He's not worth it." One of the girls upfront says to another girl with pretty long blonde hair and dark blue eyes in a pair of dark blue scrubs. She shrugs her shoulders, clearly upset about something. Someone. "He really hasn't texted you?" The girl asks her. She pulls out her phone. "No. Not since last week. Only to tell me to stop texting him. After I blew up his phone. I get he's busy, but I think I deserve an answer." She mumbles.

"That's a bummer." Alysa scoffs as she gets up and hands the paper to one of the girls. Dr.Kasey steps out in that same moment, smiling as she sees me. "Juliette!" She says in excitement. I smile and walk towards the desk. "Oh it's so good to see you! You look fantastic!" She says as she hugs me. "What are we doing for you today?" She asks as she takes a look at the form. "Oh not me. I just came to accompany Alysa for her routine checkup."

Dr.Kasey smiles and mumbles something to the girl with the blonde hair and blue eyes. The girl nods and takes the form. "I'll see you two in a minute. Gia is just going to run over some basic questions before we get started."

We follow her to a room in the back where she begins asking Alysa a few questions of her medical history. In between questions she would take a second to check her phone. "He sounds like an ass." Alysa mumbles. Gia flinches, accidentally dropping her phone. "I'm so sorry. That was.." she bends down to pick up her phone, checking it once more. "So unprofessional of me. Uhm. Anyone with diabetes in the family?" She asks as she nervously types into the computer.

"No. And don't apologize. I think we've all had our share of shitty guys." Alysa sighs looking at me. I scoff and smirk at her. I knew she was referring to my poor choices in men. "You?" Gia asks me. I blush and shrug, looking down at the floor. "Jules is in some weird love triangle." Alysa giggles. I scoff and playfully shove her. "What?" Alysa asks. "He has a girlfriend if you could even call her that." Alysa looks to Gia who was confused. "Complete shitshow but basically he's in a relationship with both of them, but not really so much the other one because he's in love with jules here. But she's not technically the girlfriend either.. but the other one isn't really either because he loves Jules.. but he doesn't break up with the other for unknown reasons but also can't let go of Jules? If that makes sense."

Gia blinks a few times before finally chuckling quietly, nodding in agreement that my disastrous relationship with Tom really was something of a mess. I hadn't given it much thought until now. He did have a girlfriend. And her name was Emi. But we had something too. Something more than what he had with her. And if he loved me, why couldn't he be with me?

"He means well." I mumble reaching for my necklace and gently fidgeting with the pendants. "He's just having a hard time right now. We've been through a lot."

Gia sighs and lowers her head. "I really like this guy." She whispers. "I've never had a boyfriend." She chuckles and shakes her head as Alysa and I gasp in shock. She was so beautiful. She reminded me of a Barbie doll. So I couldn't believe she'd never dated anyone before.

"But he's so sweet when he isn't being cruel to me. He's.. romantic. He's funny. He makes me laugh a lot. He makes me lose my breath. And I can't do anything but smile when I'm around him.. but he's asking for too much of me. And I said no. But it's one thing and then he said we could move past it."

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