(9) Always a Pleasure, Juliette

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"What do you mean you can't tell me?" I snap at her angrily. She slips her hands into the pockets of her coat. "Patient confidentiality. She never signed you off as an authorized personnel. As far as I'm concerned, only Mr.Emerson and.. Mr.Maddox were signed off by Juliette."

I rub the bridge of my nose, feeling a fucking migraine coming. Maddox fucking knew?  "Juliette was hospitalized two months after her accident. She was kept a full day, the next day she left in a wheelchair. As far as I know, according to a friend AND my fucking bank account, her therapies only lasted a month and a half. Her concussion was cleared a month post accident. Why was she here."

"I'm not authorized to tell you that-"

"FUCK!" I shout slapping a wooden plaque off her desk. I stand up and slam my hands against the table, leaning in closer to her. "What do you want." I ask. "How much? I just need to fucking know." I hiss at her. Dr.Kasey smirks and shakes her head. "I think we're done here Mr.Kaulitz." She pushes herself away from the desk, walking around it and opening the door for me. I chuckle dryly, and swipe all the papers off her stupid desk. "Fuck you." I growl as I storm out of the room.

My phone begins vibrating as I begin to leave. "You better have something for me Vince." I mumble into the phone as I push through the glass doors of the hospital. "I was able to track down a local magazine seller. He said she stopped by his booth and purchased a German magazine. She paid him an extra $10 to translate the magazine."

"What magazine?" I ask. "A celebrity magazine with the cover photo being of you and Ms.Klein exiting a club."

I feel my stomach sink as I realize that's how Juliette found out about Emi. Through a fucking magazine.

"He said afterwards she headed north. A few minutes later a German man walked by his booth."

"How did he know he was German?" I ask. "The man overheard the conversation and noticed Ms.Emerson slightly depressed after leaving. But anyways, he said they spoke a few minutes, afterwards the man went in the same direction as Ms.Emerson. That was the last public sighting of her before the incident."

"Who's the man?" I ask. "He didn't catch a name. Only that the man had a large scar that ran from cheek to jaw." I shift my jaw from side to side. I thought about it. But it couldn't be possible. I catch glimpse of a young nurse exiting her car. She was maybe early 20s. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, in dark blue scrubs with her hands full. "Keep searching." I growl as I hang up. I look around to make sure there was no one else.

I begin walking towards her, accidentally shouldering her. She drops the stuff she was carrying. "Oh my bad." I mumble bending down to help her pick the stuff up. "I'm so clumsy. I'm sorry." She mumbles back as she frantically reaches for the stuff. I chuckle and grab the journal, pen, and lanyard. She looks up at me, her face immediately going pale. "Oh my god.." she scoffs. We both slowly stand up. "You're.. y-you're from the band, uhm.. T-Tom." She stammers.

A fan. Even better.

"I am.." I glance down at the lanyard. "Gia." I say. "Oh my god you know my name?" She asks. I smirk and raise the picture ID on her lanyard. "Lucky guess?" I say. She blushes and lowers her head. "You work here?" I ask her. She snaps her head up, nodding hastily at me. "Y-yeah, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday."

"Oh." I say. "Maybe I shouldn't skip my routine checkups." I tease her. She laughs nervously. She flips her hair over her shoulder, inching closer to me. A move I knew too well. She was trying to flirt.

I smirk and step towards her and slip the lanyard over her. I slightly lower my head, pulling her hair from under the lanyard. I hear her catch her breath as my fingers graze her neck. "Nice meeting you.. G-ia." I coo into her ear. I smirk and step around her walking back to my car. It was getting late and Juliette was waiting for me.

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