(49) It's Been A Pleasure

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*A/N: You may have to replay the song a few times. But enjoy! We have one more chapter. As always. Thank you. xo-A*

My body was shaking uncontrollably. Rosie sets down the curling iron and squeezes my shoulders. "Breathe."

I nod my head trying to take deep breaths. But I still felt like my heart was about to burst through my chest. Alysa kneels down in front of me and grabs my hands. "Hey, hey.. hey it's okay. You're okay." She coos softly.

"Ladies let's go!" The event planner calls out. I catch my breath and look at myself once more in the mirror. Rosie and Alysa help me up as Emi quickly ties the back of my dress. Alysa scrambles around searching for my bouquet.

As Emi finishes, Rosie grabs my wrist and turns me towards her. She pulls apart a curl, gently running her fingers across my hair. "Absolutely.. perfect." She whispers, stepping back to almost admire me. I look at her in shock. She laughs and carefully wipes a tear away from her waterline and nods her head a few times. "You've always been perfect." She whispers bringing her index finger to her lips and winking at me before quietly exiting the room.

That was the first time Rosie had ever genuinely complimented me.

"Ladieeesssss!" The event planner shouts again.

Emi and Alysa grab my hand and excitedly lead me out of the room.

There was a tall man a few feet away. In a black suit, yanking on the collar of his shirt that barely hid the tattoo on his neck. He was pacing around in circles. Cursing to himself and at onlookers who stopped to make funny faces at him.

A troublemaking teenager who never thought he'd amount to anything in life. Getting through life one punch after another. Never caring about anyone, including himself. A letdown to many, except to one girl that saw him for him. His one true love. He was a man who lost the love of his life and did the best he could to raise and love a little girl who was half of him and half of her. Too scared that he'd never be enough for her.

A man who had no idea, he was everything that the little girl could have ever asked for or needed in a father, and more. His name, Grey Emerson. But to me, my dad.

He turns around and the panic in his face immediately disappears as his arms drop to his side. His lips move, but no words come out. His runs his hand down his face as a few tears run down his face.

He inhales sharply from his nose, finally smiling. "Absolutely.. beautiful. Alma mia." He says. Those words alone.. alma mia.. were enough to bring tears to my eyes. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me, carefully. There's a soft gust that enters through a nearby window. And then a small pink petal lands on me. My dad carefully pulls it from my hair and holds it between his index finger and thumb.

He smiles and kisses my forehead. "Whenever you're ready jewel." He whispers. I watch as doors begin to open and the girls take their places. Slowly they begin to disappear. I look back up at my dad who takes my hand in his and squeezes it. "Come on." He chuckles.

"Don't let me fall." I whimper. He laughs and sticks out his arm for me to grab. "I'd never let you." He whispers. I hold my breath as we step out the doors. Everyone immediately begins to stand, smiling and shedding a few tears as my dad leads me down the aisle.

I look up towards my dad, who winks at me, tightening his hand on mine. I look at the crowd firstly spotting Josiah. The one who found me at my lowest outside of a party and next to a hose. Who took it upon himself to win over my heart knowing it could never happen. But Josiah wasn't one to give up so easily. The only guy who's only ever loved me in the most innocent and perfect way.. even when I didn't deserve it. He smiles at me and his eyes twinkle, the way they always have for me.

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