(11) I'll Tell You Who You Are

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He never came. I waited the entire day. And he never came. It'd been 3 days.

The bathroom door opens. He tosses the towel to the side, quietly pulling the chair from my desk to sit. "Josiah." I mumble to him. His plane landed 3 hours ago. He'd been here for an hour, and had yet to say a word to me. Actually. He hadn't spoken to me in 3 days since the picture of Tom and I at the carnival reached the news.

He stays silent. "Josiah talk to me." I mumble. "And tell you what?" He growls quietly. "Do you want my answer? Between the old or the new?"

I flinch and lower my head. "Do you have any idea how I felt Jules when I turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was a photo of MY girlfriend, hand in hand with her ex?" He turns around to look at me.

"Do you?" He asks. "I'm sure crappy. I don't have any words to—"

"I fucking told him to stay away." He hisses. I see him slightly flinch as he realizes what he's just confessed. I furrow my eyes. "Told?"

"You knew." My eyes widen as I realize he knew this entire time. "You fucking knew? And you didn't tell me?" I hiss angrily as I clench my fists, digging my nails into the palms of my hands. He doesn't answer. He just lowers his head. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" I scream at him.

"Would it have made a difference?" He asks. He looks up at me. He slumps into the chair, slightly leaning his head back. He raises his thumb, pushing it against his lower lip. "Would you still have snuck around with him?"

"Can I call you tomorrow?" I ask her as I nervously fidget and twist the cap on my water bottle. "Uhm.." I hear her mumble in a teasing tone. She begins to laugh. I hated when she'd do that. It would make me nauseous from the butterflies I felt. But I also loved it.

"Goodnight, Bill." She says in a soft and gentle tone. I smirk and lower my head, resting my forehead against the water bottle in front of me. "Goodnight Alysa."

I sigh as she hangs up. I raise my head and look out the window. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. And I didn't want to either.

I hear muffled voices coming from upstairs. I guess they were fighting. Again.


"Why am I here!?" She screams at him.

"Emi, stop."

"You can't keep sneaking away to go see her!"

"Emi just—"

"SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND!" She screams at him. "And guess what. It's not you."

I close my eyes, sucking in air through my clenched teeth. I wait for it. Holding my breath until he finally explodes.

There's a thump, followed by Emi yelping. "I HAVEN'T SEEN HER IN THREE DAYS!!" He screams at her. "THREE FUCKING DAYS! BECAUSE YOU BEGGED ME NOT TO."

"I don't need you to remind me that she's with him. I don't care." He growls. She scoffs. "You're fucking pathetic." She hisses. "She's moved on. She made her decision the night she went and had sex with—"

There's a loud slap followed with emi yelping again. "I'm pathetic?" He asks her in an amused tone. I can hear him begin laughing at her. "Look at yourself." He laughs. "You're in love with me. You put yourself second for a simple opportunity with me. You begged me for this relationship knowing I loved Juliette."

He stops talking. But I haven't the slightest doubt he was smirking. "My bad." He sighs. "I said loved. I meant love. You begged me knowing I love her."

"You're nothing to me Emi."

I groan and push myself away from the table, heading upstairs to wherever they were. Because it sounded like shit was about to hit the fan.

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