(43) I'm Here

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"Breaking News. Tokio Hotel's, Bill Kaulitz arrived in critical condition, seemingly unresponsive. What seems to be a fully equipped hospital staff, led by lead surgeon Dr.Hudson, Trauma surgeon Dr.Lewis, and General Dr.Kasey was on standby as not one, but two ambulances arrived."

"Bill Kaulitz was the first out. Witness noted he was unconscious. The paramedics covered in blood, shouting what seemed to be fatal vitals and a possible gunshot wound to the abdomen."

"Right behind him, Juliette Emerson, identified by the paramedics as they shouted vitals and multiple lacerations and mid injuries. Dr.Kasey, noted to be Ms.Emerson's main doctor and handled a reported car accident, took lead."

"Tom Kaulitz was noted as screaming and hysterically sobbing, coated in blood. An older male was seen also hysterically screaming. Hospital security was notified as Tom and the older man were showing signs of aggression as two more ambulances pulled in, escorted by police."

"More updates as they become available."

I have to blink a few times, my eyes felt like they had sand in them. But as my vision eventually clears, the darkness subsides and there's light.

"There she is." My dad whispers as he smiles, leaning closely into my face. His hand was placed over mine. His eyes were noticeably swollen. He looked like a mess.

I look over to the side at Alysa and Austen who were sitting on the sofa. Austen immediately gets up and takes the other side of the bed as my dad walks away. He weakly scoffs. I notice the tears in his eyes. He couldn't look at me. "H-.." his bottom lip trembles, he stops speaking and looks away, letting out a quiet sob. He sniffles and turns back to face me. "Hi Jules." He squeezes his eyes shut, leaning in and lightly kissing my forehead.

He moves to the side, and it's only then that I see Alysa. Her normally perfectly brushed and shiny dirty blonde hair was made a mess and lackluster. Her eyes were red and swollen. The tip of her nose pink. She had under-eye bags that clashed against her pale skin that normally was a perfect shade of gold. And she was wearing sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. Alysa never would wear something like that.

As we look at one another, we instantly fall apart together. She collapses on to the bed with me, throwing her arms around me as we both begin to sob. "You're okay." She sobs into my shoulder. She pulls away to look at me and frowns, gently running her hand down my face and across my neck. She looks down at my wrists that were bandaged up. At the IV connecting me to fluids. And she lets out a sob, squeezing her eyes shut as the tears run down her face.

"Oh my god Juliette." She groans, slowly lowering her head until it's resting against my collarbone. "I-I-I." She stammers unable to get her words out. I look towards Austen who was looking out the window, trying to hide his own tears.

"I thought.. I thought you.. you were.." She sobs.

Alysa was never much of a crier. She was the strongest girl I knew. Even as kids. She was never one to cry. Maybe shed a few tears here and there. But she never let it be more than a few. Alysa was my rock.

13 Year Old Juliette

"What do you think?" She asks me. I shrug and continue eating my sandwich. Ham and cheese. It wasn't the best. But it's all my dad could make.

"Maybe it's not so bad. Dying.. At least then nothing can hurt you."

She lets out a sob, throwing herself over me. My sandwich falls out of my hand from her sudden embrace. She tightly snakes her arms around my neck. I could feel her hot tears beginning to soak the sleeve of my shirt. I was paralyzed. Unable to move. Unsure of what to do. Much less say.

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